Post Status Team Blog

Weekly updates and takes from the Post Status team.

Goodbye But Not Farewell

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David Bisset
As many people already know, I am transitioning away from Post Status to focus on a new opportunity within the WordPress space. It should go without saying that I will be just as involved in the community as I’ve ever been. It’s important that there are stages where people can have the important conversations, and I firmly believe that Post Status will continue to be a fine home for the discussions (both positive and critical) that need to happen.

What’s a WordPress “Developer?”

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Dan Knauss
It’s a good time to celebrate growth, maturity — and longevity. This is our 500th issue. WordPress is 19! And the 6.0 release is just a few days old, with new and old hands contributing from all over the world. Many are "developers" of some kind. Those who are showing up every day to make the project work and to make a living in WordPress are the professionals. Here's to them!

Celebrate Small Businesses

Photo of author
Lindsey Miller
In May we celebrate small businesses in the United States to honor everyone who is stepping out on that ledge. Share your small business story with us!
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