
This is everything we publish that’s fit for a WordPress-focused RSS feed.

Why is open source so very cool?

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Marieke van de Rakt
I am an open source fangirl. And I think it should be celebrated much more. In a world that needs more sustainability, transparency, and equality, open source should be more prominent, embraced, acknowledged, and applauded by the whole world. The…

State of the Word 2023: excitement all around!

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Joost de Valk
Matt Mullenweg (and team) presented the yearly State of the Word from Madrid, Spain, this year, 2023. For the first time, this presentation was held outside of the United States, which, in my opinion, was a great step. The fact…

Agile all the way

Photo of author
Marieke van de Rakt
I am a true entrepreneur. I like to do things lean, mean, and quick. And I genuinely believe in an agile business model, especially in the WordPress world.  At Yoast, we used to call it ‘hup hup hup’. It means…
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