Anne-Mieke Bovelett's profile image

Anne-Mieke Bovelett

Anne is a passionate multilingual accessibility and possibility advocate, located in Germany.

#WCEU & Community
She’s a WordPress community enthusiast. Which is one of the reasons why she is a co-organizer for WordPress Europe for the third time in a row. This year, she is team lead for the sponsor team.

Anne loves to connect people and is an engaging speaker. “Creating is fun. Sharing knowledge and teaching others how to successfully create is bliss.”

Her favorite terms in discussions with peers and clients are conversion, usability, and customer experience. She derives pleasure from raising awareness about profitable inclusive design and content, both within and beyond the WordPress community. The term ‘profitable’ in this context refers to both human and business aspects. Anne relishes in playfully debunking myths like “accessible websites are more expensive” and “smashing designs can’t be achieved if the focus is on accessibility.”

What Anne cherishes the most and does best is guiding companies to motivate all departments to ensure accessibility remains a priority throughout the organization. She deeply believes in providing access to the same opportunities and experiences for everyone, irrespective of any physical or mental limitations they may have.


Anne-Mieke Bovelett is not currently listed as being associated with any companies in the Post Status Partner Directory.
A2 Hosting