Post Status Slack Directory

Private Channels

You must have the appropriate membership level to gain access to a private channel and its huddle.

  • ps-partner-members is for Post Status Partners and Sponsors to have a space and talk freely and build relationships.
  • ps-product-members is for Post Status Product Owners and Founders to have a space to connect for conversations about their products and their business/marketplace.
  • ps-agency-members is for Post Status Agency Owners to have a space to connect and have conversations about their industry and businesses.

Public Channels

Public channels are visible to all Post Status Slack members.

  • agency-owners is a channel for agency owners to discuss best practices, ask questions, and help one another.
  • announcements is for important news and announcements from Post Status.
  • blockchain is a channel for discussing the intersection of blockchain and WordPress.
  • booknook is for sharing and discussing what you’re reading about business, leadership, professional and personal growth β€” and anything else.
  • business is for general business-related conversation.
  • clickpublish is for support and encouragement for those seeking to #ClickPublish and put their writing, art, and other creative work into the world with WordPress.
  • club is the main channel for all Post Status Members on general topics and chit-chat. Design, development, etc. Experienced developers looking to share with one another.
  • design is for designers and design talk or feedback.
  • development is for experienced developers looking to share with one another.
  • diversions is a place to share games, fun, and non-work stuff. (Wordle anyone?)
  • ecommerce our main channel for general e-commerce talk.d
  • events gets used when there’s a big event many members are at, like a WordCamp. You can post here to find other attendees and meet up in person.
  • gigs is for one-off projects you need help on or referrals for projects where you want to hire someone.
  • healthy-habits-group is about practicing healthy habits together daily.
  • hosting is a channel because everyone needs a glimpse into the seventh level of Hell.
  • hr-talk is for sharing your hiring/employee-related questions and best practices. We encourage discussions about the challenges and joys of building a happy, creative, resilient, regenerative, and inclusive company culture.
  • introductions is where we welcome new members to Post Status. Share with us a bit about yourself. Say ‘hi’ to the new folks!
  • javascript is for people slingin’ them JavaScripts!
  • jobs is for job listings from the Post Status Job Board. You must have Agency Owner, Product Founder, or Partner level memberships to post in the Job board.
  • learntogether is focused on learning WordPress development. Learn and share together.
  • life happens too. What’s going on with you beyond the WordPress bubble? Talk about it here.
  • makers is for hackers and other people making things, not necessarily WordPress-related.
  • marketing is because we always be sellin’.
  • marketplace is a project started in 2020 for COVID relief.
  • member-huddles happen weekly for EMEA and AMER.
  • partnerships is for people who want to develop business partnerships and collaborations. Why go alone? Greatness awaits.
  • ps-india-2023 is for an event we’re planning in India in 2023. This channel is to bring us all together and collaborate on ideas and locations.
  • publishing is for writers, journalists, editors, communications folks, publishers, and really anyone involved with publishing β€” and WordPress.
  • question-of-the-week is where weekly questions get dropped for discussion around a specific topic β€” possibly for use in Post Status content. Please keep replies in threads. We love to get ideas from our members here!
  • security is for all things security-related in WordPress.
  • selfpromotion is where you may brag about a recently launched website or project. Share a product announcement or significant update to your existing product. Brag about new skills, hires, or awards. NO SALES PITCHES! Should be interesting and relevant to Post Status members.
  • speaking is for all things related to speakers at conferences.
  • tech is about non-WordPress tech stuff.
  • tending-the-commons is for constructive, cooperative discussion of the emergent questions and challenges involved in sustaining WordPress as a commons β€” a shared resource we all use and benefit from but do not own.
  • uniquelyyou is for talking about our unique strengths, weaknesses, challenges, etc.
  • WCEU-20XX is for Post Status members at WCEU each year.
  • wellbeing is a space to check in and kindly listen or share stories about winning and losing at being β€œat peace in the home of your own being.”
  • women-who-wordpress is for you if you identify as a woman in WordPress. It doesn’t matter what your job or role is in the community. This is a place of connection and support.
  • woocommerce is for all things WooCommerce and e-commerce-related.
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