An Interview with Ernst-Jan Pfauth of De Correspondent

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Written By Dan Knauss

2 thoughts on “An Interview with Ernst-Jan Pfauth of <em>De Correspondent</em>”

  1. I loved reading about Ernst’s boundaries – especially about keeping his phone in Airplane mode and spending 80% of his week-ends focused on his friends and family.

    I try to do that too (although I have been known to sneak some work in on Sunday mornings when things are quiet) but I don’t go on social media or check email. That’s been a really helpful boundary for me. 🙂

  2. I hear ya, Nathalie! He’s a lot better at it than I am — and other members of my family who shall remain nameless. One thing I find helpful is to have a “dumb phone” with cell service separate from a smartphone or handheld device that operates only on wifi for calls and everything else. (Punkt has some really nice “dumb” models that still do SMS well, and Google Voice/Hangouts goes a long way.) On my smartphones and tablets, I have few or no social media apps, and the dumb phone can be switched off at night/weekends — and stuck in a drawer. Not looking at any of them in during getting-up and going-to-bed times is good advice too.

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