How blogging has kickstarted my career

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Written By Brian Krogsgard

3 thoughts on “How blogging has kickstarted my career”

  1. Blogging for personal benefits of sorts is already great but when it can open a career with opportunities it’s even better! I think today there’s too many bloggers hoping for affiliate link clicks, etc, rather than sharing their true opinions and experiences. I wish there were more bloggers like you that are genuine and honest.

    (the link to the WooThemes team isn’t right)

  2. I often wonder about people that speak so much. Not you in particular, but I see a group of amazing speakers repeatedly talking at numerous conferences throughout the world. The thing I wonder is how they have time to implement the material they talk about in real world scenarios? I don’t doubt that they do, and have…I just find it astounding they have the time. This is why I’m convinced Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert are robots. They just never sleep, and their artificial brains are connected to AWS for incredible processing power.

  3. Thanks for posting this up, Brian. There are some great tips in your presentation! I’m personally trying to get started with blogging, but have been experiencing some roadblocks as to how I will communicate my passion to the WordPress community (and further).

    Whilst watching your video I actually wrote down something that popped into my head, which I think I can build something valuable around – so it’s a start! Thank you very much for the inspiration!

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