
Post Status Draft is an interview and discussion-based podcast featuring WordPress and other web professionals, product founders, and agency owners. đź“ť

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Marketing a WordPress Product Live: Session 12

Photo of author
Olivia Bisset
Transcript ↓ In this podcast episode, Corey Maass and Michelle Frechette, co-hosts of a live marketing session, delve into the nuances of marketing a WordPress product. They explore the creation of customer personas, the differentiation between various customer types, and…

Marketing a WordPress Product Live: Session 11

Photo of author
Olivia Bisset
Transcript ↓ In this podcast episode, Michelle Frechette and Corey Maass delve into their experiences with design and technical challenges. They discuss the intricacies of using Beaver Builder for creating a 404 page, with Corey expressing frustration over camera issues…

Marketing a WordPress Product Live: Session 10

Photo of author
Olivia Bisset
Transcript ↓ In this podcast episode, Michelle Frechette and Corey Maass dive into the intricacies of optimizing their website's homepage and refining their pricing strategy for their product, OMGIMG. They discuss the importance of incorporating captivating images above the fold…

Marketing a WordPress Product Live: Session 9

Photo of author
Olivia Bisset
Transcript ↓ In this podcast episode, Michelle Frechette and Corey Maass explore the intricacies of managing online communities within the WordPress ecosystem. MIchelle shares insights from their involvement with a Mastermind group and moderating a Facebook group for LearnDash, emphasizing…

Marketing a WordPress Product Live: Session 8

Photo of author
Olivia Bisset
Transcript ↓ In this podcast episode, Michelle Frechette and Corey Maass discuss their experiences at a WordPress Rochester April Meetup. Michelle recounts giving a talk on WordPress and image optimization, focusing on audience engagement and technical challenges. Corey reflects on…

Marketing a WordPress Product Live: Session 7

Photo of author
Olivia Bisset
Transcript ↓ In this podcast episode, Michelle Frechette and Corey Maass engage in a casual and candid conversation about the intricacies of marketing, public speaking, and community building within the WordPress and tech sectors. They touch upon their personal experiences…

Marketing a WordPress Product Live: Session 6

Photo of author
Olivia Bisset
Transcript ↓ In this podcast episode, Michelle Frechette and Corey Maass brainstorm strategies to enhance their product's appeal and visibility. They discuss adding engaging features to their website, similar to how children desire flashy bike accessories. They explore the idea…

Marketing a WordPress Product Live: Session 5

Photo of author
Olivia Bisset
Transcript ↓ In this podcast episode, Corey Maass and Michelle Frechette discuss plans for a future Rochester meetup presentation on images and open graph, with intentions to record and share the session on YouTube. They explore the idea of teaching…

Marketing a WordPress Product Live: Session 4

Photo of author
Olivia Bisset
Transcript ↓ In this podcast episode, Corey Maass and Michelle Frechette discuss the strategic pivot of the podcast to concentrate on marketing a WordPress product. They delve into the changes needed for their homepage, refining their messaging, and creating educational…

Post Status Draft – Roger Rosweide on Website as a Service

Photo of author
Olivia Bisset
Transcript ↓ In this podcast episode, Cory Miller interviews Roger Rosweide, co-founder of WildCloud, shares his journey with WordPress and WildCloud, and introduces the concept of website as a service. He discusses how this model can provide pre-built, managed websites…

Marketing a WordPress Product Live: Session 3

Photo of author
Olivia Bisset
Transcript ↓ In this podcast episode, Corey Maass and Cory Miller discuss marketing a WordPress plugin, focusing on the use of open graph data across different platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. They emphasize the importance of customizing images and…

Marketing a WordPress Product Live: Session 2

Photo of author
Olivia Bisset
Transcript ↓ In this podcast episode, Corey Maass and Cory Miller discuss the performance of their WordPress product, launched in October, during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. They talk about their marketing strategies, including the importance of building a mailing…
A2 Hosting