
Development in (and with) WordPress.

Filter existing shortcodes in WordPress 3.6

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Brian Krogsgard
Here's a great post with a working example of the new shortcode_atts{$shortcode} filter available in WordPress 3.6 that allows developers to filter an existing shortcode's parameters. I need stuff like this all the time. The only catch is that the shortcode itself…

WordPress dashboard icons for MP6

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Brian Krogsgard
Sven Hofmann has a great guide to the new dashboard icons that are present in the experimental MP6 interface, and how to implement them for custom admin menus in your plugin.

A guide to using Composer in WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard
Andrey Savchenko, known as Rarst in the WordPress community, has built a great guide to using Composer in WordPress. Composer is a dependency management tool for PHP projects. It brings a ton of power to the table, and this resource…

How to set up your plugin development environment

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Brian Krogsgard
A lot of tutorials just jump in and miss the fundamentals. I believe that without the fundamentals, you might as well not even start. Think of this post as an upfront investment – a down payment if you will. Getting…

Why taxonomy queries are faster than post meta queries

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Brian Krogsgard
I missed this when it published in March, but Taylor Lovett does a nice job explaining why taxonomy queries tend to be faster than post meta queries in WordPress. So, next time you're trying to decide whether to make some…

A series on the WordPress HTTP API

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Brian Krogsgard
I always get excited when Tom McFarlin starts a new series on wpTuts+. His latest is going to take a look at the WordPress HTTP API, and his first post is up with an introduction to wp_remote_get(). Tom is one…

Learn three filters a day for 365 days

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Curtis McHale
Drew Jaynes hast started a new website called Filters of the Day with the goal of documenting 3 filters a day for the next 365 days. I'm sure this will be a great opportunity for us to learn more about…

Shortcodes should never be included in themes. Period.

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Brian Krogsgard
Leland at ThemeLab offers a passionate argument that he does not believe any shortcodes should be included in WordPress themes. I think he makes plenty of good arguments, but I do think we should remember that all a shortcode does…

Use the_title() and the_title_attribute() Correctly

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Pippin Williamson
WordPress provides a nice little function for displaying the title of the current post: the_title(). This function gets used all over the place: in the site header, at the top of single posts and pages, in the loop, in the…

Upgrade your client services with documentation

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ZĂ© Fontainhas
Curtis McHale defends that including solid and comprehensive documentation with your projects is probably a task you can no longer ignore, if you want to stand out as a more complete WordPress developer.

How the Washington Post used WordPress to power The Grid

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Brian Krogsgard
The Washington Post has a feature called The Grid that tracks realtime events in, well, a grid. It's a combination of tweets and other things they find interesting, and in this profile, they show how they used WordPress and other…
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