Suzanne Scacca shares some thoughts on how to design a simple UI when you have a complex solution: if the backend is very complex, it may "infect" the frontend. If it's "too complicated to navigate or too convoluted to understand,…
The next iteration of WordPress components/Gutenberg’s design is currently being explored under the codename “G2 Components.” There is a roadmap here and an open issue about how to best approach integrating this into Gutenberg. This is certainly the cutting edge…
This article by David Gilbert of Random Wire on Japanese web design has gone around for a while and is worth a read if, like me, you haven't seen it yet. 🗾 David asks why Japanese websites are so "different"…
WP Mayor has gotten a new look with a new logo! 🧐🎩 Gabriella Galea goes into the thought process behind some of the design decisions and takes a look at the main plugins used on the new site.
Gatsby recently chose headless WordPress for its blog. Senior Product Marketing Manager Hashim Warren explains why: "WordPress enables us to have unlimited users (without paying a subscription per seat). WordPress also comes with powerful role-based permissions and has free plugins…
WordPress 5.6 Beta 2 is available for testing. WordPress 5.6 is still slated for release on December 8. 📅 In the meantime, you will want to upgrade to WordPress 5.5.2, which was released on Thursday. It features 14 bug fixes…
Salvatore Sanfilippo has a brief but insightful take on "the open source paradox," which is "the proportionality between the money people give you for coding something, and the level of demand for the quality they can claim to have about…
Sucuri has found some malware that can disable security plugins to avoid detection. 😨 This is really devious! Luke Leal explains: "If a user tries to reactivate one of the disabled security plugins, [the Malware] will momentarily appear to activate…
WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy has submitted a ticket to make a change on the WordPress hosting page: I would like to update the final sentence in the second paragraph. If you don’t need the flexibility of a full web…
Cloudflare has implemented an Automatic Platform Optimization for WordPress. It includes improvements in speed for sites that might be slowed down a bit by plugins or hosting limitations effectively creating a "zero-config edge HTML caching solution." Garrett Galow explains: "Our…
Call a Vulnerability a Vulnerability Roger Montii reporting for SEJ looks at an Authenticated Stored XSS vulnerability in the WPBakery Page Builder plugin. The vulnerability was discovered by Wordfence and fixed through their collaboration with WPBakery in a recent update.…
Sarah Gooding has reported at WPTavern that the W3C and the agency it selected to redesign its website, Studio 24, dropped WordPress from consideration in a selection process that has ended with Craft CMS as the winner. First off, kudos…
📅 Conference and Event Updates If you are looking for a WordCamp this weekend, check out WordCamp Philadelphia which will be hosting speakers such as Joost de Valk, Marieke van de Rakt, Topher DeRosia, William Jackson, Bianca Ross, and Jackson…