WCEU Is Almost Here!
In just a few short days I will join the many people headed to Athens (or who are already there). I’m excited to be going, and even more excited that my daughter has decided to join me. (I hope to introduce her to you if you’re there!)
Follow me on Twitter as I share my journey and the people I meet in Athens!
A Community Project by Marcus Burnette
If you’ve ever wondered where other WordPressers are located, look no further than this project by Marcus. The WP World allows WordPressers all over the globe to tag themselves on the map. No matter where you live, you can see others that are near (or far) from you. I love this project! I hope you’ll add yourself.
Join Us on Meetup
Join us for our June Meetups! Details available on our Meetup page!
Quick Links:
- WordPress Blog: Celebrating 20 Years of WordPress
- Post Status Blog: Drama, Accountability, and a Way Forward
- Do the Woo Podcast: The Friday Show: Local WordPress Events are the Lifeblood of the Community
- Underrepresented in Tech Podcast: Impacting the World with WordPress in 48 Hours (feat. Sima Parekh)
- WordCamp Europe June 8-10
- WP Campus July 23-14
Check out more WordPress events on WP.Events, a site I curate through StellarWP.
Photo of the Week
Today’s photo of the week comes from rawkreative on WordPress Photos.