Why not take a nice long bath instead?
It’s going to take time — probably into next year — to get WordPress events back to something like the way they used to be… except we can never go back, only forward.
Things will always be different.
The pace of change has seemed too fast and then too slow for many people when it comes to WordPress in the Gutenberg era.
(But you can go back and get Adam Silver’s WordCamp/Meetup photos from this day in WordPress history, every day. Thanks, Adam!)
The pace of change has seemed too fast and then too slow for many people when it comes to WordPress in the Gutenberg era.
But we’re on track for Phase 3 next year.
The long-term view isn’t generally available in the fast pace of weekly news cycles and reactive social media.
Rather than sling hot takes, red meat, and breaking news like we’re rivals trying to get inside each other’s OODA loops (observe–orient–decide–act) it’s good to slow down, observe, orient, defer decisions, and ask questions.
Or just take some time to rest!
Have a great weekend —