Give Back … Deeply?

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Written By Michelle Frechette

4 thoughts on “Give Back … Deeply?”

  1. I hope we can all approach this situation, and any important one in our lives, with as much grace and empathy as you did here, Michelle. 🙏

    If there is a Pollyanna club with you in it, then count me in! 🙂

    Seriously though, I do agree that I am more optimistic than anything else. This is the perfect time to come together and work towards our common goal of being more human.. towards ourselves, and towards others. ❤️

  2. The point about Five for the Future metrics, not counting a lot of important support, is really great to emphasize.

    Another issue is that there appear to be a lot of false or exaggerated pledges. One team that appears to have gone inactive over two years has 331 people currently pledging to the team: Another team with only 14 members has 338 people pledging: With a lot of those people pledging for an enormous amount of teams, despite having almost no recorded activity on the WordPress website.

    If these FftF pledges are going to be used for comparison purposes, as Matt Mullenweg is already using them, there really needs to be better vetting of the pledges. And it really should be handled by a team that is independent of Automattic.

  3. Thanks for sharing, Michelle. If we dig deeper, it’s clear WPEngine markets themselves very closely to WordPress

    Taken from on Sept 1st, WPEngine wrote, ‘The MOST TRUSTED WordPress platform’

    If we refer to the WordPress Foundation Trademark Policy below, WPEngine’s claim to the the WordPress platform can be interpreted as they’re related to WordPress.

    For example, a consulting company can describe its business as “123 Web Services, offering WordPress consulting for small businesses,” but cannot call its business “The WordPress Consulting Company.” Similarly, a business related to WordPress themes can describe itself as “XYZ Themes, the world’s best WordPress themes,” but cannot call itself “The WordPress Theme Portal.”

    I hope they can resolve this amicably.

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