Matt Mullenweg posted a summary of his thoughts on Gutenberg on his personal blog. He says, “Gutenberg moves every part of the WordPress ecosystem forward,” and goes on to touch on various ways developers, agencies, plugin developers, theme developers, web hosts, and users will be positively impacted.
The post is largely a collection of his commentary on other forums. If you haven’t followed every detail of Gutenberg discussions and want to know more about how Matt thinks about Gutenberg and the general future of WordPress, then this is your chance.
Opinions on Gutenberg seem to be published daily, which is to be expected. Edin Cromley’s posted his thoughts on Gutenberg and how some might be misunderstanding it. I think one of his comments is really spot on: “It’s barely even ready to use on your blog, but it’s not as far off as some people think.” I used it today, and the improvements to it in just a few weeks have been significant.