Dan and Ny are looking forward to attending WordCamp US this week, which is a first for them both. In a slightly more casual conversation touching their usual topics — the business of WordPress, careers, and community — they share the things they’re looking forward to seeing and doing at WCUS and in San Diego.
So it’s hard for people in the community to kind of branch out and communicate online. So imagine how hard it is for people who are new!
Nyasha Green
Some of the WCUS sessions they’re interested in have to do with WordPress security and bug bounty programs, cross-cultural communication, WordPress and performance, and getting young people into WordPress. Other tech and open source conferences also come up, as Ny is planning to attend All Things Open 2022 in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Finally, Ny and Dan discover they both have non-tech backgrounds and started reading J.R.R. Tolkien at an early age. Ny talks about learning several languages and reading The Hobbit in Latin.
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👋 Credits
- Nyasha Green, Editorial Director at MasterWP (Twitter)
- Dan Knauss, Editor for Post Status (Twitter)
- Olivia Bisset, Web Producer intern for Post Status (Twitter)
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Dan Knauss: Morning. Ny
Nyasha Green: good morning, Dan. How are you?
Dan Knauss: All right. It’s gonna be a busy, busy week prepping for travel to, um, word camp us. I’m I’m sure you’re running fast and. hopefully getting some, some rest in there too, but how, how are things going
Nyasha Green: on there? I actually am getting rest. I think the holiday helped, but yeah, I’m definitely running around like a chicken with a Ted cut off and , I’m hoping I don’t forget to pack anything, but I’m very excited.
This is going to be my first big word camp and my first time in San Diego. So I’m super excited.
Dan Knauss: Yeah, me too. Yeah. I. haven’t been down LA in a while, but yeah, never San Diego and first word camp. Um, yeah, the labor day was nice. It’s one of those, uh, Canada has every province finds a way to have a, a long weekend every month.
So you have a, there’s always a Monday in the month off and they coincide with the us one. It probably as much as possible, although Thanksgiving is totally different time and oh yeah. so it’s, it’s interesting when you, you really, the rest of the world gets dragged along by the us holiday schedule, especially the big.
Shopping ones and you know, nothing stops, email, doesn’t stop, everything keeps going. And you know, sometimes it’s a, it’s a family day or , you know, a long weekend and no one else is, is, uh, aware of that.
Nyasha Green: It sounds lovely.
Dan Knauss: It can be, yeah. I I’ve been slow to, to adjust to it. They kind of sneak up on me. well, what are you, what are you anticipating doing at, um, at word camp?
What are you looking forward to?
Nyasha Green: I’m looking forward to meeting a lot more people in the community. I’ve only met a lot of people through, um, like Twitter, mostly and you know, the occasional popup on a podcast. So I’m really excited to meet different people and talk with them and pick their brains. Oh yeah.
In private. So that’s going to be very awesome. What about you?
Dan Knauss: Well, there’s some, some lots of good talks. I’m. wondering how I can fit that in and the hallway stuff. And there I’ve, I’ve met a, a number of our, our members and people. I happened to have known for a long time earlier this year at one, at a retreat we did.
Um, but yeah, there will be a lot of people I meet for the first time. And it just, it seems like a lot to try to fit in at one point, but I’m looking forward to contributor day where maybe someone where I can get, I can get. Oriented and, and doing something helpful. I, I, I really wanna get some time to, um, figure out how to ease into, to some things I can help with on a weekly basis.
And it’s just been kind of nuts lately. So that’s been tricky. Yeah,
Nyasha Green: that’s gonna be awesome. I’m really looking forward to that as well. Like I think with all of us in a room, it’ll be a little easier than trying to, you know, do it over at the internet.
Dan Knauss: Oh yeah. Yeah. There’s so much stuff that can be explained directly.
Um, Synchronis communication at least, or if someone right there at your shoulder, um, that, you know, one more tab, one more thing to read. You know, I find like after, you know, after the productive hours of, of work 3, 4, 5 hours of if it’s reading intensive and man, I just have to read a lot of stuff. It, you just lose that attention and processing ability.
Um, Do you find that? Do you just. Where you’re trying to read, you’re scanning through something and you just like, what, what am I, oh yeah. What is, what was this about?
Nyasha Green: And constantly starting over. Oh yeah. it happens a lot.
Dan Knauss: and when you’re actually trying to learn a workflow or a process or a tool or something like that, you kind of want to get it in muscle memories.
You wanna get it, or in some kind of whatever, part of your brain where you just don’t have to like driving, you don’t have to think about it. And, um, yeah, it’s good to do that. First thing in the morning.
Nyasha Green: Um, is this your first work camp? Like big one? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And
Dan Knauss: of any of any really? Um, when I was, um, first lived in a, in a city that was big enough to have things like that.
Although I don’t, I don’t think Milwaukee’s ever had a. I don’t know. I wouldn’t, I shouldn’t say that there there’s, there’s a ton of WordPress people there mm-hmm um, I don’t know if they’ve had a, a word camp, but they didn’t back then. So I was the, the little open source tech scene was taking off and it was mostly DRAL people around the Makerspace and those of us who did things in WordPress, where, um, well, WordPress was.
Quite young at that point, I was more into Jula.
There was that going on? So, you know, there was, there was kind of a general, there was a, um, bar camp that was a big deal, um, bar camp. What is that have bar camps like food bar? It was, um, it was not a platform specific thing, but it was getting dominated by the local Dal people and, uh, which I was totally into as well.
Um, but it was a more general, um, uh, coder camp hacker kind of hacker space filled up with tons of kids and. You know, we’re all younger then. Um, and I’m yeah. I’m, I’m curious about the age demographics, uh, you know, I, I feel WordPress and word camps. We really need to, um, find ways to diversify in all directions, including oh yeah.
Uh, age.
Nyasha Green: Oh, I’m definitely interested in that as well. my, um, husband actually asked me, he was like, is gonna be a lot of people your age. And I was like, I don’t know. Um, you know, , I know in some people at the company, my age that are going, but I was like, I don’t know. I was like, this is going to be an interesting experience and it’s not just WordPress.
Um, I’ve been to a lot of other big, uh, tech conventions though, and conferences and meetups mm-hmm and they’ve been pretty diverse in terms of age, um, even race as well. I’m really interested to see how work camp compares, especially since I’m going to all things open in November. I’m really excited for that.
That’s in Raleigh. and yeah, I’m just very excited for my first work camp. I’m I’m already like prepping to go to work camp Asia as well. So hopefully it just blows my mind and I wanna go to all of them. I
Dan Knauss: wish, I wish I, well, I may be a few more here and there, but yeah, I’d love to, um, yeah, Raleigh, I lived there for a number of years and university years and they’re not real nice, nice place.
So you’ll have to write about that or tell us all about the all things. Yeah, we’ll talk about it. Mm-hmm um, but more of a broad creator, uh, economy focused conference, I think. Right. Um, but
Nyasha Green: well, all things open source mm-hmm yeah. Yeah. So yeah,
Dan Knauss: age diversity is great. I like it. I I’ve enjoyed when I went back to classroom university.
Teaching part-time a few years back after raising my own kids. And it was totally different than when like 20 years before when I had started. And hadn’t, you know, I was, I was barely older than my students. um, I don’t know. The dead perspective is sometimes nice when you’ve meowed out and understand people need connection and confidence.
Ahead of technical skill, you know, otherwise they just think you’re saying you’re doing everything wrong. Mm-hmm and yeah. So it’s, it’s great to have all, all ages. I love having older people around too, for their experience and usually come or
Nyasha Green: approach. Are you, are you going to be in dad mode at work camp?
Oh, I don’t
Dan Knauss: know. I don’t know where I. I can come in at all. never really know. It depends on how much I sleep and I don’t think there’s that much sleeping that happens when you’ve got party after party. Another other things going on. Um, yeah, I’ll try to. Keep the energy up, but I’m old. I ,
Nyasha Green: you’re not old.
Dan Knauss: yeah, I can fool people, but oh yeah. It’s an old,
Nyasha Green: so when we get to karaoke and it’s time for our duet, I don’t wanna hear you say, oh, now I can’t do this. I’m tired.
Dan Knauss: you pick a song yet? You got a place
Nyasha Green: where I have six or seven songs. So you can’t tell me no, like, I’m gonna say Dan, like you can’t say no to all six
Dan Knauss: or seven.
Okay. As soon as I open my mouth, though, you’re gonna be like, okay.
Nyasha Green: That’s it? No, no, no. That’s, that’s what karaoke is for you. Don’t take people who can sing to karaoke. That’s the worst. That ruins karaoke
Dan Knauss: ah, yeah. Yeah. I haven’t been in to one in a while. I like watching ’em there’s a, a terrible place to eat dive bar, you know?
And they’ve like two kinds of bad Canadian beer. Okay. Downtown here. And it’s just a weird place, but it’s, it’s right down from a, a, a. tall building that has a, a lot of retired people in it. And there were these, um, cute elderly ladies that would, would come down there and do do it along with, it was just the weirdest group of people.
It was all ages and all love it kinds. And so, you know, some people were really fabulous at it and others were just fabulously. amateur and, um, you never know what you’d get. It was, it was just great to watch. Um, I, I don’t know that I’ve seen that many. I’ve definitely seen some, uh, in-home large house party, Asian karaoke that.
it was just a D totally different thing. Oh,
Nyasha Green: I love it. We, we did Korean style karaoke in Vegas. And when was that? March? Oh my God. I loved it so much. We just had like buckets of Soju and like, we were singing all night and dancing. I had a tambourine. It was so great. I slept in the Uber on the way back to the whole hotel.
was wonderful. there’s
Dan Knauss: always someone who, who thinks they’re really good and is really earnest. And they’re, you know, the dog’s starting to how and .
Nyasha Green: Oh, that’s me. That’s me. Oh, that’s me. I can’t wait. Oh, that’s me. I’m ready. I’m ready. I’m so ready.
Dan Knauss: yeah, I know. Mm. Yeah, I was, I was not trained properly, but at, at any kind of music really too bad.
My, my girls are, they’ve had tons of tons of musical. Instruction, which they enjoy. But now I, I wanna kick their, their butts out into the street for busking. You can get be a licensed busker in Edmonton, in the summers. Um, but that’s a totally different thing when you’re performing live with other people.
And it’s a big, big confidence jump. Even if you do have the skills confidence. You gotta, you gotta push yourself out there and do it, I guess. So it’s not, not my thing, but I wish I wish I could.
Nyasha Green: Well, we will make them proud this year. Somehow. See if someone gets video, it’ll be okay. Oh, well,
Dan Knauss: if anything ends up on the internet, that might be bad.
I’m I’m not gonna share
Nyasha Green: that. No it for, okay. We’ll discuss this later, so, okay. What speakers or sessions are you most excited to see at word? Um,
Dan Knauss: I want, well I’m Robert Rowley is a fun, you know, wild and crazy guy. I’ve enjoyed talking books and random things with, and, and security is he he’s with he’s the security advocate at patch stack.
And. Uh, he’s, he’s giving a talk. He did a really cool, crazy thing he’s done before he did for us, but he he’s done mm-hmm before where he teaches lock, picking, it’s sort of a side hobby and he uses it to talk about security and philosophy of life and, and all kinds of, um, things like that. And so I’m sure he’s gonna.
Entertaining and interesting. And it’s, it’s just security is a topic. I, I really like, and I’ve paid more attention cuz he writes in podcasts about it quite a bit. Um, patch stack has a really cool, um, approach where they’re, they’re really encouraging collaboration through a network that they, um, I don’t.
It, it’s a very, it’s an open network. They sponsored, I, I guess they’re kind of the ringleader, but anyone can, can join in the security profession and try to work to keep WordPress safe. I know they just, um, they partnered with hosting her to provide their, um, services. Um, both of those companies are, um, I think lot Vian, uh, mm-hmm multi.
business members of, of post status. And they’re, it’s nice to see people get together and collaborate. And so they’re providing it is security, uh, heads up, Hey, update your stuff inside your hosting panel, if you’re with hosting or, and I noticed that that last little, there was three security, um, uh, patches in the, the little maintenance and security release that, that went out.
Um, mm. the other day, a few days ago, last week. Um, and you don’t initially find out all the details about it. And Robert later, um, commented on it, that they were actually, the security stuff was, was hunted down. There’s a WordPress bug bounty program. Google has one too, where you can get mm-hmm money by finding.
So it was, it was something that couldn’t actually likely be exploited, but, um, within the parameters of, I guess, finding. Some kind of proof of concept that something could be exploited under certain conditions. You, you know, they, they patch that, check it out, learn some things. And, uh, so I think everyone usually assumes that there’s something bad going on.
Like some bad guys found something or it’s, it’s at risk. And sometimes it’s just penetration testing analysis from the good guys and then they’re fixing it so nice. It should be good press when, when things get better and stronger, uh, what’s your number one session, man? I like there’s all kinds of good stuff in here.
Nyasha Green: I think my favorite, favorite, favorite? is an anthropologist, a WordPress developer and a lawyer walking to a bar. Mm. Yeah. Cassandra Decker is doing that one about just communicating in the community, which is something I actually wrote about this, um, wrote about this week. And it talks about how to talk about talk with people in the community that may be from different walks of life.
And that title really caught my eye because. I was interested in all three of these careers at one point, you know, I am a WordPress developer now I was interested in being an anthropologist. I even learned Latin for it. oh, really? And the, yeah, I’m reading the Hobbit in Latin right now. My Latin is like S shotty.
That was a while ago, but I’m trying to relearn it. So I’m reading the Hobbit in Latin and then I also was accepted in the law school, but I didn’t. So I was like, oh, I’m really, I’m really interested in this. And I’m interested in what she has to say. And, you know, it’s always, I’m always interested in opening up communication in the community as well.
So that’s my absolute favorite. I’m not missing that one.
Dan Knauss: Yeah. That sounds really interesting. I love it. When people do interdisciplinary things or break out of the bubble and, and stuff like that. Mm-hmm , um, I, I didn’t know that. So, you know, you’re such. Non argumentative personality. I wouldn’t think law would be attractive to you.
Are you making
Nyasha Green: fun of me?
Dan Knauss: yeah, you’d be a great lawyer. Um, you’re making
Nyasha Green: fun of me. Oh my God. Yeah.
Dan Knauss: Latin. Um, yeah, I, I had to crash course one summer. Um, when I was doing, I did up to some level of, of graduate work in literature and. Literary cultural studies and Renaissance medieval stuff. And yeah, so we have these odd, odd backgrounds we could have might have explored at at one point, but language.
You never really, you can’t never go wrong. Like that’s just cool to know, but you must be pretty good if you can read any of, of the Hobbit in, in Latin, which is crazy because Tolkin. Was this major, you know, Brian has probably, if, if you’re not a token buff, Brian cords is probably said quite a few things.
He seems to be quite a fan.
Nyasha Green: Mm. Um, I, I really like him a lot. Um, my grandmother actually, she had a copy of the Hobbit. I started reading. I tried to read when I was really young and I was like, okay, that goes back on the shelf. And then I read at a later age. So in order to help, I also have it in Spanish. I can speak Spanish and speaking Spanish.
And I guess my limited English I’m, I’m joking. Um, Latin comes. It comes kind of easy when I can recognize it, you know, in different languages and I’m learning Korean right now, so, oh yeah, I know that right. Duo. Yeah. So I’ll probably eventually get the ho in Korean. So I guess
Dan Knauss: the Hobbit would be easier than Lord of the rings cuz oh yeah.
yeah. I was trying to imagine, like, how would you do Latin? Does Tolkin knew so many languages? Mm-hmm and then he makes. All these Elish languages and different ways of writing it, the war and, or, oh yeah. All these things. Like how, how would you flatten that? All I’ve always been curious about that. I, haven’t not gotten fluent enough in another language to really feel, you know, like how do, when you’re representing an, a different language mm-hmm, in your own language, like, um, Hemingway like used these and thousand and stuff when he’s like, I think people are speaking in Spanish and, and things, and.
I think it was in for whom the bell tolls mm-hmm how do you indicate a foreign language? You can do kind of dialect or accents and stuff, but, um, that would be tough, especially to learn, I guess, you know, you’re fluent. If you’re reading a foreign language and you’re reading their creative manipulation of it to pretend to be.
doing another foreign language.
Nyasha Green: Yeah. The books I have. Um, I read them on my iPad because, you know, anytime I don’t understand anything, I can just click and find the word or find the, a reference for the phrase. But they’re geared toward people who already speak English, who are trained to learn these other languages.
Um, it was something I discovered, cuz I was gonna start with children’s book. I was like, okay, I’ll get like cat and a hat in Latin and stuff like that, which I did find some of those as well. And then it was like some people have, they were like the. It’s written in different languages and, um, they have learning ones geared toward English speakers.
I was like, oh my God. Yes. Cause I love the habit. I was reading it like every year at one point. So it was like, I’m, I’m so familiar with it in English, maybe, you know, it’ll help. And then like I was on the first page in Latin for like three days. I was like, okay, let’s just break all of this down. And then Spanish, you know, I was going a little faster cuz I can read Spanish, probably the best I can speak it, but I can read it the best.
So that’s just getting a really familiar. That you’re really familiar with and going for it in a different language. I feel like that’s very helpful. You know, the most helpful is talking to people, but the second most helpful.
Dan Knauss: I, yeah, I, I envy that. I wish I, um, had time to go back and, and do more of languages and, and just reading, um, books, uh, and fiction again.
But when I was, yeah, early, that was one of the, the first big books. I read all the tol and stuff. And we had a record, my brother and I , we had a record where it was a, it was like, it was based on the cartoon version of the Hobbit and the dramatic reading. Yeah. I’ve seen it. Yeah. I could probably do the whole thing.
Nyasha Green: love it. .
Dan Knauss: Yeah. Well, what else is is cool in, in here? I know, um, Molana cap is, is doing, is teaching, um, WP CLI do you use that at all? I’ve it’s been a long time since I played around with it, but
Nyasha Green: I do, I do cool. it doesn’t make me the happiest, but I do. Cool. No, it’s cool. I it’s, I, I know it’s useful. I just it’s me.
It’s not, yeah, it’s not WSP CLI it’s me. I’m the issue.
Dan Knauss: She’s on that. I know that one kind of jumped. Oh, and the performance, there’s a performance session with the Felix arts toos going to he’s on the performance team and has had a, a lot to contribute on that. So, um, I’m not sure. I guess, talking, talking about, um, performance at scale.
I’m not sure if this is geared towards probably developers. Hosting people. I’m just, I’m curious what, what I might learn there. Um,
Nyasha Green: I like a WordPress for the next generation. Mm. Um, that’s the one I’m very interested in. I think Columbia, I’m so sorry if I say your name, wrong Hodge is doing it. Just talking about, um, entry, uh, barriers for young people and.
You know, I talk a lot about that. I’m very excited and, um, it’s going to be a business talk. So I’m very excited to go to that one as well, and like soak up knowledge so I can like turn around and use it to help people that’s get into the community.
Dan Knauss: That’s really, I important. Have you, so you’re the meetups that you’re working on starting?
How how’s that going along? Do you think you’ll reach a younger demographic with.
Nyasha Green: Yeah, I’ve had, um, there are people who weren’t even that I’m mentoring in tech that weren’t interested in. WordPress. They’re interested in now solely after everything I’ve said to them solely because they know that we’re, they’re going to be meetups near them.
So they know that they’ll be, you know, someone nearby to talk to. About getting into the community versus trying to do it all online. As we talk about, it’s so hard to get it’s. So it’s hard for people in the community to kind of branch out and communicate online. So imagine how hard it is for people who are new and, you know, just having that in person meet up or that person nearby and to be able to meet other people in the community.
It’s already getting people, you know, my age and younger, who wants to come into the community. So I think it’s going to be like a big push for word present in these areas that I’m.
Dan Knauss: Good. Yeah, that’s really needed. And, um, I hope, hope we’ll hear more about the mentoring program that Josepha floated on, on Twitter says his, um, yes.
Nyasha Green: In the words I’m so excited. I’m so excited about that. I cannot wait.
Dan Knauss: Yeah. Um, really, really an important one, I think. And cuz it does so many things at, at once it’s um, this just good for people and, and. Relationships, um, anchors people in meaning and, and value that, um, you know, it’s very basic human stuff.
Um, if we were just training people, technically, you know, that’s, that’s not that that’s not that interesting. Yeah. Mm-hmm ,
Nyasha Green: I mean, it’s needed to, but yeah, you’re right. It’s not that interesting.
Dan Knauss: well, it’s always an open source. It’s always tended to. A culture and belonging mm-hmm and, um, mentoring is really what it is.
It’s a better way to, to approach it, um, to give people not just training options, but relationship options, where you’re learning from a real person, who’s connects to other people in this cooperative project. That’s that’s.
Nyasha Green: Yeah, I’m really excited. This is to be so awesome. Like, I, I don’t sound as excited as I am because I’m tired, but I will have energy Thursday when I get there Thursday.
Yeah. Do I get there Thursday? I should probably look into that. It’s Tuesday, but yeah, I will have a lot of energy when I get there.
Dan Knauss: Yeah. I don’t miss. All right. Miss your flight. Uh
Nyasha Green: oh yeah, no, I’m flying with, uh, one of my coworkers, so she’s not gonna let me miss my flight. Thank God. How long
Dan Knauss: is it for you?
You prob you might have further to go than, than me. Um,
Nyasha Green: it’s only four and a half hours. Five. You gotta direct know it’s not five, four and a half. Yeah, I got, I got a nonstop direct from Charlotte. So I’m only 15 minutes away from the airport. I discovered this weekend when I was picking my brother and uncle up.
So I am not far at all from the airport. That is lovely because when I stayed in South Carolina, I would have to drive either an hour and a half to Charlotte to FL somewhere or two hours to Charleston. And it sucked . So it was a all day travel event to go places.
Dan Knauss: Yeah. That’s. Eh, travel can be the older you get the, not such a fun thing, but, uh,
Nyasha Green: okay.
Dad. Yeah.
Dan Knauss: well, it’s better without kids along some of the time, but uh, older, older kids. Um, but I’m going on my own, but yeah, no direct flights anymore. Uh, from, from here, I, I don’t think, but it’s about six hours altogether.
Nyasha Green: What’s the first thing you’re doing when you, when you land, like what, what’s the first thing you want to do?
Dan Knauss: Huh? I don’t know. I’ll just, uh, I’ll get over to the place, get over to the joint and unpack, uh, see what’s going on. I’m sure people will be pretty well assembled by then. um, gotcha. The town and country. Um, I don’t know if I don’t get I’ll probably want, want to quick do that and then find somewhere to. Um, late or, well, I’ll probably do that in the way it’ll be fairly late.
So I don’t know. It might just step out. That’s so interested.
Nyasha Green: Yeah. We, there might be like good, good night street food. I don’t know. This is my first time in San Diego. I’m really excited. So. , I don’t know the first thing I’m doing. I think I’m enjoying being in California. I love California. I don’t care what part put me in it I’ll go.
So that’s my first thing.
Dan Knauss: I never really been in the Northern end of it. It would probably be more my speed. I don’t know, originally from the Northeast and a lot of time in the Midwest and in south it’s, uh, I’m kind of biased on the Eastern end of the the country and, um, people who aren’t that relaxed.
Nyasha Green: whatever
Dan Knauss: I need. I need a certain amount of road rage around, uh,
Nyasha Green: um, oh, I’m sure you’ll get that. I feel like , that’s that’s American the American way. No,
Dan Knauss: I, I don’t miss that, but you know, I, I did like the Northeastern, um, punchiness of, oh, it’s not necessarily unfriendly, but willingness to engage with people.
Nyasha Green: Blunt, blunt, strangers.
Dan Knauss: Yeah. Yeah. The. Seinfeld experience isn’t too, too far off the reality, or maybe as it used to be. I, I always enjoy, um, living in a, in a city where you can’t really control or predict, predict what’s gonna happen in public space. And, um, for all the soup around here, I haven’t found a soup Nazi yet, but there’s usually there’s usually a good place or some.
Food mogul who controls access to the, the good bond me or something like that. And you gotta please them to make sure. You’re getting the good stuff
Nyasha Green: now I’m hungry. I love bombing. I’m so hungry. Yeah. I that’s, I really want to, yeah. I wanna try like good Italian and Mexican. I heard it’s really good in San Diego, but also I wanna try some really good, different Vietnamese, Thai and Japanese.
Those are my, I don’t know if I’ll have enough stomach for
Dan Knauss: I’ll follow you around. Yeah. I’ve. Enjoy that a lot too. And Edmonton’s great for all things, Asian and really just in general, it’s surprising. Um, when you move out here, not knowing anything about it, how much, uh, how much there is and good eats, um, Definitely.
Yeah. The tacos. Um, I’ve been making margaritas lately cuz the summer’s ending and I don’t know, I just got inspired to, uh, to do that. It’s a really nice drink. I, Milwaukee was great for Mexican. I missed a lot of the places that were were there. That’s and they’re a little weak on that. Maybe here. There’s a few good few good places.
Nyasha Green: Well, I guess next week, we’re going to talk about like food, right? Like where we ate at work camp. mm-hmm yeah, this is where the word press community ate during word camp with Dan and I, I
Dan Knauss: like it. I know there’s a contingent. That’s all interested in the, um, in and out burger. I don’t know if they’re big Laki fans, but I’ve never been to an in and out burger, but
Nyasha Green: I love in and out.
I eat it every time I go to the west coast, I have to eat it like. It’s not, I couldn’t even tell you why it’s so good. It’s like, not even great, but I love it. And I’m yes.
Dan Knauss: Hmm. I don’t have to try it. I, I don’t know. I mean, I’m neutral. um, sounds kind of like the white castle, you know, for. Chicago people. Um, don’t get a bunch of sliders.
I remember the first time as a kid, when I was Chicago, you have to go to white, white castle. Um, I don’t know if that’s even a thing anymore. I miss, um, I haven’t heard people mention that in a long time. And man from North Carolina, I don’t, I, I miss the, just the. Franchise unpredictable barbecues and big victims and spicy stuff.
But, uh, BOJ angles had was really good. Hot curly fries, poor BOJ
Nyasha Green: angles. what that, yeah. That’s where everybody comes here and wants Bojangles. Um, is that considered
Dan Knauss: good? My brother walked there when he was in high school once and he’d get all these bags of curly fries. The only thing I liked. Oh. And.
Someone had like milkshakes with big chunks of peach in them in
Nyasha Green: the summer cook cookout, cookout. That’s what people like here. They like to come get cookout and Bojangles mm-hmm Bojangles is good. I do like Bojangles cookout is okay. Um, I, I see the, I see the nostalgia and stuff. Why people like it personally, and I hope nobody from North Carolina.
Is like listening in, sorry, Dan. I think the barbecue is way better in South Carolina. I have not been inspired yet to eat more barbecue here. I’m actually like every time I go home, I eat barbecue cuz I’m like, I just can’t eat it in North Carolina, but it’s only been a month. I’ll give North Carolina about two more chances to get me some good barbecue.
That might be true,
Dan Knauss: but I’d take, I take anything. No, one’s no one’s doing it up. Um, no, that, that was the Mississippi culture guaranteed that there was always a Sunday Southern barbecue somewhere in Milwaukee. Mm-hmm but uh, I’ve missed. a long time since then. And you might be right. I was in Aiken, uh, outside Columbia mm-hmm South Carolina, 1993 in the summer at this that’s a beautiful old town, these big streets and trees pre automobile.
Um, and there was a staying at this kind of cool little. Old fashioned estate that is probably as old as the town. And, uh, they brought in a, um, a, uh, bluegrass band and, you know, roasting the pig in the mm-hmm back garden for eight hours or so, I dunno, it takes a long time. Um, yeah, that was good. That’s the most memorable one I’ve I’ve been at.
Nyasha Green: Oh yeah. You gotta come to South Carolina. I would invite you now, but it’s like two last minute, but you know, SU the Southern funeral. So I’ve been back and forth for a funeral arrangements and oh yeah. When I, last time I went, they had burnt ends, macaroni and cheese, barbecue hash, and like chopped barbecue.
Hash rice, which people probably don’t know what hash is outside of the south. Mm. Um, uh, they had cream corn and like stuffing and, uh, coleslaw and baked beans and ribs. And I was like, oh my God. Yeah. Somebody make a, made a five. Flavored pound cake. Like I was like, I gotta go. Y’all like, I’ve gained too much weight.
Like I have to go. I have to see people this week. Like my cheeks are swollen. Like everybody know let’s everybody stop cooking. And then they’re like, well, we’re frying chicken tomorrow. Please stop everybody. Stop. please. You
Dan Knauss: got reminded of your mortality. You may as well eat well
Nyasha Green: you’re right. Move yourself.
Dan Knauss: You’re right along, faster, down. Hard to attack
Nyasha Green: trackers. I’m I’m here for a good time. Not a long time.
Dan Knauss: yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, it’s hard to, hard to pass up. Good, good food. Yeah. Maybe I’ll make it back out to the so Southeast sometime and yeah, I miss, I been away long enough from a place to, to start to. Miss or remember things affectionately.
Nyasha Green: oh yeah. And I gotta bring you your moon pies. I remember you said yeah.
Dan Knauss: Little things like that from man. I don’t miss working outside in the summers there though. I I’ll come in the winter.
Nyasha Green: yeah, do, yeah, we have two weeks of winter now, so you’ll be completely fine.
Dan Knauss: Awesome. Oh, well that’s gonna warm here too.
All right. Well, I will let you and I. Get through our short week here and oh yeah. Try to pack our bags and, and then, yeah, we’re gonna sounds like we’re gonna have a good time. Yeah. We’re
Nyasha Green: gonna meet up in San Diego. We can’t have a bad time. I’m not gonna have a bad time. So you’re not gonna have a bad time.
No. All right. That’s math. .