Update: Here’s the link for this event in Twitter Spaces 👉 https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1YqGopbnDZjJv.
If you would like to participate by speaking, you must use the Twitter app on your mobile device.
If you only want to listen, you can use the mobile app or a browser via twitter.com.
Post Status is proud to present a live gathering after the State of the Word happening on December 14th, with more details to be announced.
Planned Topics:
- Analysis of information presented and what WordPress professionals should be focused on and thinking about.
- What the future holds for 2022 for WordPress, the community, and the ecosystem.
We also plan on taking questions from the Twitter Space audience and Post Status Slack, time permitting.
Confirmed Speakers
- Speakers that will be on stage at the start of this event: Bet Hannon, Eric Karkovack, Maciek Palmowski, and Rae Morey. We expect more people to join us via Post Status Slack (via text) or in the Twitter Spaces audience.
You Are Invited
In addition to any confirmed speakers, we are inviting all to attend and be in the audience.
Save The Date!
When: December 14, 2021, After The Event 7 pm ET/12 am (December 15) UTC
Where: Twitter Spaces
Duration: Approximately 30-60 minutes
Twitter Spaces
If you wish to participate in the discussion, we recommend you download the Twitter app, but you should be able to listen and participate on almost any device. When the show starts you should be able to access the event by visiting poststat.us/sotwreview. The event will be recorded and is subject to the Code of Conduct.
Don’t Miss It!
More details are coming soon — so watch @post_status on Twitter and Post Status Slack to keep up and submit questions in advance.

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