Pictures from Post Status Publish were almost all taken by Brian Richards, unless they are pictures of Brian Richards. I took those.
We had a great time learning and networking in Atlanta, and here’s a snippet of our time together. The event consisted of two full days of talks from some pretty amazing speakers.
Special thanks to Liquid Web for being our platinum sponsor, and to Jetpack, Pantheon, and SiteGround for being gold sponsors. Without them, and our wonderful attendees of course, none of this would be possible.
Video is being processed and will be available to all attendees, and we’re working out how exactly to make them available for other folks who may want to see the sessions.
Lindsey Miller
Jetpack drawing
Andy Wilkerson
Chris Lema
Brian DiChiara
Cate DeRosia
Liquid Web
Andrej Ciho
Topher DeRosia
Joe Casabona
Katie Richards & Tessa Kriesel
Andrew Norcross & Pippin Williamson
Publish Attendees
Brian DiChiara
Bradford Campeau-Laurion
Publish Attendees
Publish Attendees
Publish Attendees
Rachel Baker, The Wirecutter
Tom McFarlin
Tom McFarlin
Rachel Baker
Rebekah Monson, WhereBy.Us
Rebekah Monson
Joshua Benton, Nieman Lab
Joshua Benton
Rebekah Monson
Rebekah Monson & Joshua Benton
Rebekah Monson
Rebekah Monson & Joshua Benton
Jonathan Wold
Ross Johnson
Marc Benzakein
Ugh, this guy
Devin Sears & Marc Benzakein
Team Awesome Motive
Beka & Max
Ryan Sullivan
Beka & Brent
Justin, Joe, and Tom
Food Truck: Tots Edition
Rado Petsov
Bill Erickson
Jetpack illustrations
Erica Krogsgard & Katie Richards: The Real Power of Publish
Wonderful photos! Amazing experience!