Schedule photos in bulk with Postbot, but why stop there?

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Written By Brian Krogsgard

2 thoughts on “Schedule photos in bulk with Postbot, but why stop there?”

  1. Glad you liked it! It’s worth noting, however, that the REST APIs on have no relationship right now to the JSON ones that have been proposed for core. I think you learn a lot from building real, production apps on top of proposed APIs, which is what we’ve been trying to do on both web and mobile, and I hope the APIs for core take the same approach before they’re included with a release.

    • Hey Matt, thanks for stopping by! Regarding the APIs, I was aware the “feature as plugin” WP API was different than’s, but I didn’t know of any difference between .com’s and Jetpack’s, if that’s what you’re referring to.

      Also, that’s a great point about using the APIs in real apps before they’re included.

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