Felix Arntz

A recent ticket committed to WordPress…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

A recent ticket committed to WordPress trunk seems to be addressing the first in a series of steps to enforce a "Requires PHP version" message for WordPress plugins. This is encouraging to see. Alain Schlesser shows a preview of what…

Felix Arntz has been working on…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Felix Arntz has been working on a way to force plugins to be loaded as MU plugins but keep their automatic update functionality.

Felix Arntz has shared some planned…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Felix Arntz has shared some planned improvements for roles and capabilities that are going into WordPress 4.9. It is now possible to manage user capabilities for activating and deactivating plugins in a more granular way. Additionally, there are some new…

Also on Github, Felix Arntz offers wp-cache-js…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Also on Github, Felix Arntz offers wp-cache-js — a "JavaScript-based cache solution" for WordPress using the client's local storage or, as a fallback, a simple variable storage.
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