In the past, I often dreamed of how cool it would be to take a sabbatical, but never got serious about actually taking one. There always seemed to be a fire I had to put out. Or there was something else to worry about — some other excuse that pushed away taking time off as a distant dream.
Plus I always loved and found my identity and purpose in my work, especially as an entrepreneur.
I couldn’t go near a keyboard without getting frozen in gut-wrenching feelings.
Then in December 2021, that sense of identity and purpose was taken away from me. And a number of events — both physical and emotional — conspired in me and my life to not be able to return to work for the first time in my career.
I couldn’t go near a keyboard without getting frozen in gut-wrenching feelings.
This is my story as I know it so far.
Cory has more on his blog about his Burnout and Recovery Journey, sharing the framework for understanding and working through it: to know you’re not alone, to help others think about their own journey, and “most importantly, to not go it alone.”