Your website is not allowed to be fast

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Written By Brian Krogsgard

6 thoughts on “Your website is not allowed to be fast”

  1. This is what amazes me about (USA) net neutrality supporters. You claim you want an open internet, free of regulation. Your proposed solution to keeping the internet open and free of regulation is for the government to step in and regulate the internet. Are you kidding me? Opening up companies to regulation and treating them as public utilities won’t keep the ‘net free, it will simply subject it to a different kind of control. Thanks but no thanks.

    • @John Gardner Exactly. Government is the problem. Not the solution.

      Without the FCC, there wouldn’t be a bunch of crappy providers that only exist because they have government-granted pseudo-monopolies. I could choose what ISP I do business with. And it wouldn’t be one that throttles my connection speed when I want to access certain websites.

  2. Thank you for an informative piece about an important topic! As a small-time blogger it’s important to me on one level, but as an internet user it takes on another level of meaning. Mahalo!

  3. I don’t see why it would be a big deal if “average joe” websites load slower than instantaneously. If they offer a service that’s better than giant corporation brands, people will use it, even if they have to blink twice before a page loads. HeII, people will use it specifically *because* it’s “indie” instead of “corporate”.

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