Week in review: Beta 2, refinement, transparency, Do Action, apps, and more

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Written By Brian Krogsgard

2 thoughts on “Week in review: Beta 2, refinement, transparency, Do Action, apps, and more”

  1. Thanks for including Do Action in this 🙂 we’re super excited for the event and I think it would be amazing if other WP communities did the same thing (I’d be happy to help anyone out with getting it going in their area). We’ve had a great response from the community so far, so expecting it to turn out to be a pretty awesome day.

  2. Brian, it’s amazing what content from WordPress people I pick that could so easily relate to my own business (law firm). It’s all /services/ – only the label is different!

    I’d not come across Curtis McHale before, but the article you linked to is one that I’m going to share with some of our lawyers – great stuff.


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