WordPress Multisite versus “Minisite”

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Written By Brian Krogsgard

11 thoughts on “WordPress Multisite versus “Minisite””

  1. “For instance, I may want a group of 5 users to be able to edit the โ€œaboutโ€ page and its sub-page content. Such a hiearchical method for segregating users isnโ€™t very easy in WordPress as far as I know.”

    My favorite way to handle this has been with BU’s section editing plugin: http://wordpress.org/plugins/bu-section-editing/ It has a slick interface and works well. You can create section editor groups where you can assign users to multiple groups. Each group defines which section of the site they can work in. It works with Hierarchical Custom Post Types as well.

    • Nice recommendation, Peter. I definitely need to check that out! Thanks for chiming in ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I would be interested to see how others handle this dilemma as well. I have used multisite as a way to restrict users access to certain “sections” of the site, but it always feels a bit heavy handed.

    The Groups plugin is new to me, I will have to give that a try the next time I am tempted to jump into multisite. In the past I have used User Access Manager (UAM). I really like the way it works conceptually, but I had trouble bending it to my will so I started using multisite instead.

  3. WordPress Multisite is the best way to create multilingual sites, each blog in the network is a language. All capabilities topics are possible and it works on the default of WP, no changes on the database or core requirements. But currently I miss different functions for development with MU, but she comes from version to version more in the core.

    Small plugin as helper plugins fรผr MU:

  4. Very interesting post, especially since I am currently working on a project where the client came to me and said he wanted a Multisite for different mini blogs. After some discussion we settled on what you describe as a “Minisite”.

  5. If I create the template within a child theme that is shared between the two sites, I cannot prevent one site from having that template.

    Wouldn’t you just make 2 seperate child themes? You shouldn’t share the same child theme between 2 different clients.

  6. Very timely info for me thanks. We’re in process of migrating from an in-house CMS to using WP on our main portal for just this functionality, where we need to have one main brand/navigation but have separate min–sites to allow a client enter their own info unique to that /site/clientname/ folder – without them being able to change stuff, only post stuff which we then approve but has their info locally for something like a user bio, or whatever on page (e.g., photo gallery unique to mini-site); and be able to have all the mini-sites feed to a main mini-homepage … tricky. Some of the thoughts you have here really help me, as I’m trying to sort out this very issue right now! ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks again

  7. Best article on this topic, thank you! I was searching for a Network Navigation plugin and finally found this post. I plan to use the Networkwide Menu via wpmututorials.com you noted. A real lifesaver since we too are migrating from Drupal to WP and needed a minisite set up as well as a multisite set up.

  8. Hello. Thank you in advance for sharing this informative article with us. I’ve finished a project that was about WordPress Multisite. After reading your article, um able to perform properly now ๐Ÿ˜€ really. Thanks again dear.

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