A refreshed Post Status

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Written By Brian Krogsgard

44 thoughts on “A refreshed Post Status”

    • Thank you, Ryan.

      Of course, WPCandy was where it all started for me, and I just got hooked 🙂

  1. The site looks amazing Brian, great job. It’s really good to see Post Status stepping in to fill the void WP Daily has created. I’m sure you’ll carry the torch well.

    I’m really excited to see where you take the site. It’s honestly been the only WP news source I’ve checked even somewhat regularly.

    PS: Let me know how Google receives some of the changes you’ve made over the next couple months. 😉

  2. Congrats on the redesign, partnership, and the merging of long content with the links feature. I think this makes a lot of sense.

    You’re in a great position here and the timing with changes in the WP news landscape couldn’t have been better. It makes me think there was some sort of plan here;)

    …and partnering with Drew is monetization that I welcome with open arms. He’s a great guy, great products, and as you said above, fits nicely into the site.

    Congrats to both of you!

  3. I also like the redesing and new steps that you’re taking! Looks and feels good. I hope you keep on rocking. Couple of questions.

    1. How do you find time for all this? You must work 16 hours per day.

    2. If you start to getting more and more dead presidents from this blog, would you like it to be your main job?

  4. We’re obviously super excited over at The Theme Foundry to be supporting the great content here at Post Status. We couldn’t ask for a better partner. Brian obviously has the talent, dedication, and skills. He’s also shown an incredible knack for covering everything WordPress (and then some) in a focused but comprehensive way. It’s a recipe for success. We look forward to more first-rate WordPress content and seeing the site grow over the next few years.

  5. Looks sweet Brian, typography looks very classy. Congrats on the redesign and best wishes for this new stage.

  6. Awesome re-design, with more whitespace. Keep up the great work ! I like it that you change the sidebar to tab instead of pushing it to the bottom. Never think of that before 😉

  7. Nice redesign! The site finally looks more like a designer’s website, and not a developers. I’m really looking forward to your new material.

  8. Keep on keeping on! The site looks awesome and I am excited about your approach.

    Well deserved coverage and I look forward to seeing Post Status grow!

  9. The highlight to quote feature is frickin’ genius. I’m not sure if that’s part of this go-round, but it’s pretty sweet. Next up, when clicking “quote”, the option to choose the social medium (other than the comment form) to share the quote would be awesome.
    I’m also a huge fan of your typeface selections, so props to your font nerdery!
    All in all, great work Krogsgard!

    • I’ve had a few comments about the… comments 🙂 It’s actually an existing free plugin from interconnect/it called Spectacu.la Discussion. http://wordpress.org/plugins/spectacula-threaded-comments/

      I hand to wrangle it pretty good to get it to do what I want, but the functionality if fantastic. Your rec for what to do with the quote button is a great idea. I’m going to talk to them about that.

      I think I’ll also do a post about this plugin in general, as it seems not too well known for such a nice product.

  10. I feel like I’d be spamming emails if I responded to each comment here, but I just want to say THANK YOU all for your kind words. I love this platform and the WordPress community, and I’m proud to do what I can to be a part of our ecosystem.

    I’m excited for the future, and I really appreciate all of your compliments and feedback. I’m not a designer by trade, so this is a stretch for me 🙂 Fake it ’til you make it, right?

  11. Exciting news and nice job on the redesign, Brian! I mentioned it before, but I really appreciate the focus on quality content. I think a strong partnership with an anchor sponsor is the ideal route for monetizing a venture like this, so it’s great to see The Theme Foundry recognize the value and step up to support Post Status.

  12. Nice design Brian that will work great with your approach to content.

    But Auburn colors? Come on, I know your an alum, but that’s that’s tough on the rest of us 🙂

  13. It feels kind of strange having a Login button in the taskbar, even when you’re logged in. Perhaps hiding it or replacing it with a Logout button? The wp_loginout() function can do this for you btw.

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