Derek Herman, a longtime Envato employee and WordPress specialist, tells his tale of learning how to contribute to WordPress core. I like Derek’s post because it’s personal, and not just technical; and he gives advice for how and where to start, not to mention things he learned along the way.
There’s certainly been bumps along the way and I’ve made some mistakes and been called out on them. But it doesn’t deter me from the bigger picture, which is making WordPress better.
Those that decide to contribute should understand that the people that came before us have a great deal of experience working inside the Core and you should try and learn from them.
For those of you interested in pushing the boundaries of your WordPress knowledge, try your hand at contributing to the WordPress Core. At the very least you’ll learn some best practices. However, you might just discover how much you have to gain as a developer, which is worth much more than money.
There are so many ways to contribute that your current skill level is irrelevant. You can still be helpful. There is much more to the WordPress Core than code alone. Contributing could mean Trac pruning, documentation, blog posts, translations, or simply testing patches for consistency across browsers and so much more. There is certainly no shortage of work that needs to be done.
This was a good fresh respective, I think.