Make WordPress

News from Make WordPress and other writing about the WordPress core teams and project.

Battling round numbers with WordPress 4.0

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 3.9 hasn't quite reached beta, but many of us are already looking ahead to WordPress 4.0. I know, I know: 4.0 is no more significant than 3.9 or any other major release. It just so happens that WordPress' twenty-third major…

The design of WordPress 3.8

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Matt Thomas goes into detail on design considerations for MP6, which became the new look of WordPress in 3.8. Also, it's just so impressive how many people were involved in this project. Excellent wrap-up by Matt.

Meet WordPress 3.8, Parker

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 3.8, "Parker", has just been released. WordPress 3.8 is the result of four months of hard work by 188 core contributors. Named after Charlie Parker, jazz saxophonist and bepob innovator. WordPress 3.8's development was led by WordPress co-founder, Matt…

Commit messages can be poetry, too

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Ryan Boren, WordPress Lead Developer and Bug Whisperer, decided to create a poem on the importance of eliminating trailing whitespace in his latest commit to the WordPress codebase. The Pinking Shears stir from their slumber, awakened by what may seem,…

WordPress 3.8, “almost”

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 3.8 Release Candidate 1 is out. This means that the next major version of WordPress is getting close. I was pretty entertained by Matt Mullenweg's slug of "3-8-almost" in the announcement post. As he notes, it's definitely time to…

WordPress through the ages

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Jeff Matson has gathered up screenshots of every major design change of the WordPress admin and default themes on Inmotion Hosting's blog. It's fairly interesting to take a bird's eye view on the evolution of the visible aspects of WordPress.

I can haz braces?

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WordPress core is debating a change to always require braces, even for one line, in PHP if statements. Looks like the +1's are winning. That's a good thing in my opinion. Is this the most detail oriented thing I've ever…

WordPress 3.7.1 is out

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 3.7.1 is out with eleven bug fixes. If you are already on WordPress 3.7 and you are eligible for auto-updates, they will start rolling out soon. If you want to find out if you're eligible for auto-updates, you can…

What’s new in WordPress 3.7, “Basie”

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 3.7, "Basie", has just been released. It's been named in honor of Count Basie. The WordPress 3.7 development cycle is the quickest turnaround between major versions of WordPress ever. You may not notice a whole lot of sexy new…

WordPress 3.7 RC1 released

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 3.7 RC1 has been released, which means the official release of WordPress 3.7 is near. Auto-updates have been refined a bit, and based on some tweets I saw from Andrew Nacin and reports of Beta testing, they are very…

Understand WordPress internationalization and translation

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Internationalization (i18n) and translation is one of those fuzzy gray areas for many of us in the WordPress community, especially amongst Americans. We're simply not very accustomed to a multilingual society, therefore we sometimes erroneously don't think about internationalization of our code…

How WordPress evolves without breaking everything

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
This is a great flash talk by Andrew Nacin, where he discusses the decision making process for evolving WordPress while maintaining backward compatibility. Included are some explanations of the struggles with terms, term meta, and more. This was part of…
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