Make WordPress

News from Make WordPress and other writing about the WordPress core teams and project.

New status blog

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Brian Krogsgard
Andrew Nacin announced this morning that they've launched a new "status" blog for that is not hosted in the same environment as the rest of This is common practice for high-scale websites, and I'm happy to see it…

A call to change WordPress widgets

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Brian Krogsgard
Jesse Friedman has written up how he thinks that WordPress widgets and widget areas should operate more like WordPress menus. I agree with him that currently, things like conditional sidebars can be a bit annoying. But I'd like to see…

If you’re serious

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Brian Krogsgard
Matt, If you’re serious about forking b2 I would be interested in contributing. I’m sure there are one or two others in the community who would be too. Mike Little's fateful comment on Matt Mullenweg's blog. A short history of…

WordPress Core is Secure

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Brian Krogsgard
Jason Cosper writes on the WP Engine blog that people need to stop saying WordPress is not secure, because it is. WordPress Core is rarely cause for security concerns, and hasn't been for some time. However, due to WordPress' massive…

Rethinking the WordPress Admin

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Brian Krogsgard
Aside from all the flexibility WordPress gives us for warping and bending it to our will, the static nature of the admin really grinds my gears. There's been some progress on better admin styles and even some very impressive iterations…

Drastic changes to the WordPress UI

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Matt Mullenweg posted on the Make WordPress UI blog about some drastic changes that are being experimented with, by way of the MP6 plugin. I look forward to seeing how these evolve, and hope they extend beyond simple aesthetic changes…

Rethinking WordPress

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Caleb Mellas wishes WordPress had the intuitive interface and ease of use for CMSs that Square does for payments. It's a popular topic of late, and Caleb gives a strong argument that WordPress needs to simplify.
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