WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Business in a Box is a…

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Brian Krogsgard
Business in a Box is a new small business eCommerce toolset from Paypal, and they have partnered with WooCommerce and Xero to provide a bundle to those looking to setup eCommerce sites. Michael Steele goes into more detail about it,…

First web interaction for small businesses

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Brian Krogsgard
The great battle for the small business side of the web is for a customer's first web interaction. Want to create a website? Where do you go? That's the battle that every player wants to win: Automattic, GoDaddy, EIG, Envato.…

Robert Abela at WP White Security…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Robert Abela at WP White Security has an interview with BlogVault CEO Akshat Choudhary. The conversion revolves around the security breach involving BlogVault's online WordPress backup service in February. The BlogVault service itself, it turns out, was not hacked, but…

Recurring revenue versus lifetime value

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Brian Krogsgard
I enjoyed a conversation in Slack recently where plugin authors were discussing the difference between recurring revenue and lifetime value. I think it's worth restating for the newsletter, as it's a common question. In recent years, there have been several…

W3TC, Placester, and Frederick Townes

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Placester is a Boston-based startup that gears toward real estate agents, and they've recently raised $50 million in a Series D round -- bringing their total fundraising to $100 million. Why should you care? Well, two reasons. Placester uses WordPress…

Crate wants to help you escape license key hell

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Brian Krogsgard
Crate turns your WordPress site into a plugin repository to improve release management between environments and automate Composer support for commercial plugins. That's the promise of Brady Vercher's idea that he's calling Crate. This is something that I would really,…

Meet me for Publish, in Atlanta, in early August 🔥

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
I've paid the deposit for our venue for Publish in Atlanta, August 3rd and 4th. If you liked the first first Publish, I think you'll love this one. It's standalone, in a great venue, in an accessible city, and I'm…

John Maeda posted his slides (along…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
John Maeda posted his slides (along link to video) of his 2017 Design in Tech Report at SXSW together with Jackie Xu. Some "key observations" include: - Design isn’t just about beauty; it’s about market relevance and meaningful results. -…

Parrot is an integrated site builder…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Parrot is an integrated site builder and editor concept for WordPress, and Davide Casali talks about it here. This concept started as the team thought of new approaches to how a future WordPress customization experience could have worked. I like…
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