WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Join me on The East Wing podcast today

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Brian Krogsgard
I'll be on The East Wing podcast with Tim Smith today at 2:00 p.m. central time. Tim has interviewed some pretty awesome people before, and I'm happy he asked me to be on. Check it out today or catch it…

How to run a viable freelance business

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Brian Krogsgard
Curtis McHale has released his latest book: Don't be an idiot: Learn to run a viable business. Curtis has experience as a WordPress consultant and freelancer. His previous book released from WP Theme Tutorial on how to become a WordPress…

Cheers to the GPL

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Brian Krogsgard
This past weekend, I co-organized WordCamp Birmingham, or WP Y'all, and a couple of our (many) taglines were "In Open Source We Trust" and "Cheers to the GPL." So naturally we toasted the GPL at the after party. Going through…

WordPress VIP Training Days

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress.com has introduced a new teaching service called VIP Training Days to offer workshops for superusers and developers. The classes are one day workshops and the first round is October 14th (superusers) for $600 and 15th (developers) for $850. The…

WordPress.com, undeletable accounts

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Brian Krogsgard
I discovered a website recently called JustDelete.me that serves as a way to help people delete troublesome online accounts that make it hard to delete them. WordPress.com is one of the worst offenders; it doesn't allow accounts to be deleted at…

How to build a crazy good support experience

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Brian Krogsgard
Eric Hoanshelt shares how to build better online support experiences on the SalesForce Desk.com blog. Eric is from The WP Valet, where they've grown from a team of two to a team of eight in just over a year. He's…

Sucuri Security plugin gets nice new features

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Brian Krogsgard
Sucuri Security is well known in the WordPress community for being the go-to place for WordPress site monitoring and malware cleanup. Their free WordPress plugin just got some nice new features, too. It now comes with core files integrity checking,…

WordPress and JavaScript with Backbone

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Brian Krogsgard
I recently ran across this excellent slide deck from K. Adam White on evolving your JavaScript with BackBone.js. It's a really great deck that I highly recommend you fully digest. It's simple enough for people not yet well versed in…

8Bit is shutting down

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Brian Krogsgard
8Bit, the maker of the Standard Theme, is shutting down. The four founders of 8Bit are all significantly involved in various parts of the large WordPress ecosystem. You can follow John, Tom, Jared, and Chris going forward. The Standard Theme…

Tips for marketing WordPress products

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Brian Krogsgard
I see a lot of WordPress products and product websites as a consultant. I also get "pitched" a pretty decent amount, requesting me to check out someone's new product to blog about here. Because of this experience seeing and judging…

Best practices for WordCamp forkers

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Brian Krogsgard
In light of some recent WordCamp "forks", Andrea Middleton has posted a draft of policies for people that are WordCamp organizers and decide to organize non-WordCamp affiliated conferences. This is a really good proactive approach in my opinion, and Andrea…

Flagged by Google in style(.css)

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
My apologies for the headline. I couldn't resist. Yesterday, Jeff at WP Tavern covered yet another new A/B testing service. With dreadful timing, the site was also flagged by Google as malware for some users. As a commenter points out…

The ethics of open source

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Justin Tadlock has written about the four core freedoms of open source, and warned that with some of the WooThemes drama that happened in the last couple of weeks, he heard some words and tones that didn't match the ethos…
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