WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

An honest Pagely review

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Brian Krogsgard
I have to admit, when I saw that Raelene at WPMU was going to start a series of reviews on hosting providers, I was skeptical. After all, most hosting reviews suck. But I have to say, she did a great job…

Andrew Norcross (Reaktiv Studios) releases ratings plugin

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Brian Krogsgard
Andrew Norcross and his cohorts at Reaktive Studios have released their first commercial plugin, called Reaktiv Ratings. It's a commercial star rating plugin for posts and custom post types. It'll run you $39 for a single site install. There isn't…

WordPress dashboard icons for MP6

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Brian Krogsgard
Sven Hofmann has a great guide to the new dashboard icons that are present in the experimental MP6 interface, and how to implement them for custom admin menus in your plugin.

Dissecting a WordPress brute force attack

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Brian Krogsgard
If you've ever wanted a tour through the internals of a WordPress brute force attack, this is the post for you. Tony Perez, of Sucuri, uses an example attack to teach about what happens during such an attack. Tony also…

WordPress CRM workflow tips

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Curtis McHale
Getting sales in the door is the thing that keeps a business growing. I know that I don't do as good a job as I should, mainly because I haven't found a tool I like to track my projects. Here…

A guide to using Composer in WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard
Andrey Savchenko, known as Rarst in the WordPress community, has built a great guide to using Composer in WordPress. Composer is a dependency management tool for PHP projects. It brings a ton of power to the table, and this resource…

WP Elevation wants to help make you a better consultant

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Brian Krogsgard
Troy Dean wants to help other consultants be better at what they do. He's starting a new monthly membership site he calls a WordPress business coaching program to train consultants through every step of the web development process. It's $97…

The high price of free WordPress plugins

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Brian Krogsgard
Tom McFarlin share some valuable advice on the WP Explorer blog based on his experience building and releasing plugins to the public. He talks about managing expectations for the plugin, tools available to a plugin author, and the reality that some haters…

Do things that don’t scale

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Brian Krogsgard
This isn't specifically WordPress related, but Paul Graham shares some really detailed advice on why he recommends startups and entrepreneurs to do things that don't scale. Specifically, he's referencing the importance of going out of your way with a new business to…

How to set up your plugin development environment

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Brian Krogsgard
A lot of tutorials just jump in and miss the fundamentals. I believe that without the fundamentals, you might as well not even start. Think of this post as an upfront investment – a down payment if you will. Getting…

MeetWP is a new online WordPress meetup

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Brian Krogsgard
MeetWP is launching in a few short days. MeetWP is an online WordPress Meetup with WordCamp/Meetup style presentations presented like a podcast. The site will include a chat and other features for social interactions. The first guest will be BuddyPress…

How Lift is taking WordPress to the Emmy’s

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Lift is a WordPress-powered product, design and consultancy business. I've been following Chris Wallace, a Partner at Lift, for a long time. I've always known they do a lot of work for television and other interactive media, and this morning…
A2 Hosting
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