WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Redesigning the WordPress Post Editor

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Brian Krogsgard
Inspired by Ghost, I have put some thought into the WordPress Post Editor and what I would do to improve it. This blog post outlines my thought process, and shows the outcome of those thoughts. Would love to get someā€¦

Owning Your Content: A WordPress Userā€™s Guide

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Brian Krogsgard
In light of a seemingly endless onslaught of legislation and privacy policy changes, there's an inevitable point at which moving your content onto your domain is the best option. That point might as well be now - this is aā€¦

GigaOM’s need for speed

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Brian Krogsgard
GigaOM recently launched a redesign, and in their development, really focused on improving page load times. The results are especially impressive, considering how much content they are loading per page view. Their interview with WordPress.com VIP is definitely worthwhile.

WordPress Core is Secure

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Brian Krogsgard
Jason Cosper writes on the WP Engine blog that people need to stop saying WordPress is not secure, because it is. WordPress Core is rarely cause for security concerns, and hasn't been for some time. However, due to WordPress' massiveā€¦

VaultPress Lite

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Brian Krogsgard
VaultPress, the Automattic backup solution, has introduced a "Lite" plan to theirĀ repertoire. It allows you to receive daily backups with a thirty day archive for only $5 per month. It also includes their site restore service. This is the firstā€¦

WordPress Plugin Boilerplate 2.0

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Tom McFarlin
The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate serves as a foundation and aims to provide a clear and consistent guide for building your WordPress plugins. The second version includes a number of new additions, features, and improvements many of which have been madeā€¦

Om Malik on blogging and conversations

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Brian Krogsgard
Siobhan McKeown interviewed Om Malik for her pending book on WordPress, and came away with some interesting insight from Om that I think is valuable for any of us that take part in onlineĀ conversations.

WordPress at 10: Time for a fork?

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Over the last couple of years I have done a lot of thinking about the evolution of WordPress and how the application can best meet the needs of the ever more fragmented user base. In this article I make theā€¦
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