WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Different ways of instantiating WordPress plugins

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Brian Krogsgard
Many different ways exist to structure WordPress plugins. You can use singletons, global references to your plugin class instance, static classes, namespaces and so forth. In this article, many different ways are outlined in the context of extensibility.

10 useful WordPress plugins

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
These plugins are quite handy for someone that makes websites for clients. Most of these are in my default setup, but I hadn't seen Content Aware Sidebars before, so I'll need to check it out.

Restaurant Engine Q&A with Brian Casel

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Brian Casel has answered some questions about his WordPress SaaS project, Restaurant Engine. The questions are some he's gotten over time that he decided to put into one blog post. It's great to see his thought processes behind his project.

The Long Game

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Noel Tock describes ways to invest in yourself today that will pay bigger in the future.

Myths of running a WordPress theme business

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Brian Krogsgard
Bill Robbins runs the WordPress theme shop, Organized Themes. In this post, he explains many common myths about running a theme shop. Bill's a great guy, and his honest depiction of running a theme business is refreshing. Also, it turns out our…

Responsive deliverables

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Dave Rupert, of Shop Talk Show and Paravel fame, shares his ideas on creating deliverables for responsive design. I think it could be rephrased to just creating deliverables. He advocates breaking the website functionality into modules, independent from page structure.…

WP Roll is a new way to find WordPress news sources

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WP Roll is curated blogroll of people and blogs writing about WordPress. It uses RollRank which is a unique and custom built ranking algorithm that relies on various social signals for sorting blogs by their popularity, quality and relevance to…

A Year Without Pants

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Scott Berkun spent a year working for Automattic as research for his upcoming book, A Year Without Pants. The book will focus on remote work, for which Automattic is well known. Berkun is going to, "share what I learned about…
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