WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

On Cloudfest, hosts and WordPress

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Joost de Valk
I am at Cloudfest this week, in Europapark in Germany. This is my second year visiting Cloudfest, and I truly enjoy it. Cloudfest reminds you that pretty much all hosts offer WordPress hosting, and because of that, the WordPress community…

Business Roundup Week Ending March 15

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Nathan Ingram
Site Editor Complaints? The Core Team is Listening. The Latest Google Algorithm Change Significantly Improves Search Results Quality. The Sad Decline of CSS-Tricks. An AI Powered WP Plugin Search Tool. And More!

The WordPress Community Rocks

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Marieke van de Rakt
I can be rather critical of the WordPress Community. We’re not perfect. We could be more inclusive and more open. We could be more effective in improving WordPress. We could do more. And still, the WordPress Community rocks. It rocks…

Business Roundup Week Ending March 8

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Nathan Ingram
Cwicly Discontinues Development: The Most Important Question WP Agency Owners Should Consider, Font Library Finally Approved After Minor Hiccup, Your iPhone Repairs Might Start Costing a Lot Less, and More!

Marketing a WordPress Product Live: Session 5

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Olivia Bisset
Transcript ↓ In this podcast episode, Corey Maass and Michelle Frechette discuss plans for a future Rochester meetup presentation on images and open graph, with intentions to record and share the session on YouTube. They explore the idea of teaching…

Joosts and Mariekes

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Marieke van de Rakt
When working at Yoast with my husband, Joost de Valk, I often divide customers into the Joosts and the Mariekes. The Joosts were like my Joost: technically skilled, wanting to know everything about a product, quickly bored, always looking for…

Jobs & Career Roundup Week Ending February 23

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Michelle Frechette
In the Spotlight Post Status professional member Chris Hinds is in the spotlight this week. Chris is COO and co-founder of Equalize Digital, creators of the Accessibility Checker plugin and a well-known accessibility solution provider in the WordPress space. The Job Board KadenceWP:…
A2 Hosting