WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

🤔 Tom Fanelli shares what he thinks…

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Dan Knauss
🤔 Tom Fanelli shares what he thinks are the most significant challenges facing WordPress: Unreliable hosting that doesn't scale efficiently. A disconnect between hosting capacity and actual demand at the level of people visiting a site. Tom predicts "Hosting companies that…

I really like the site redesign…

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Dan Knauss
I really like the site redesign at WPBuffs. Joe Howard explains why it was needed and what went into it in terms of time and costs. 👷‍♀️ Joe says 90% of the redesign came together in about two months using…

🏫 Cory and partner Jeff Meziere just…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
🏫 Cory and partner Jeff Meziere just soft-launched the Business Value Academy to help entrepreneurs focus on building profitable, healthy and valuable businesses. They have a free webinar coming up on Thursday (May 7) where they'll be sharing their Business Value Mindset. CORY'S…

WordPress 5.4.1 dropped this week. It’s…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
WordPress 5.4.1 dropped this week. It's a short-cycle security and maintenance release focused on seven security issues that affected WordPress 5.4 and earlier versions. If you haven’t yet updated to 5.4, all WordPress versions since 3.7 have also been updated.…

Frontity has closed a €1M funding…

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Dan Knauss
Frontity has closed a €1M funding round led by Automattic. Frontity promotes its framework as "the easiest way to create lightning-fast websites using WordPress and React." ⚡ Reyes Martínez said the company is not developing a business model now but…

Brandon Ernst at Freemius looks at…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Brandon Ernst at Freemius looks at trends and data to get an idea of how the Coronavirus might be affecting WordPress plugin and theme shops. Brandon notes "there was a 19.84% growth in plugin downloads on the WordPress.org repository from…

We’re wishing Tony Perez all the…

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Dan Knauss
We're wishing Tony Perez all the best as he leaves GoDaddy and explores full-time work on his projects CleanBrowsing (a DNS-based content filtering service) and ColdPath (a security consulting company). 🛅

Gus Luxton talks about some easy…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Gus Luxton talks about some easy ways you can improve the security of your SSH model without needing to deploy a new application or make any huge changes to user experience. 🔒

Convesio, a new WordPress hosting company,…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Convesio, a new WordPress hosting company, explains how they raised over $1M from 850 investors using Wefunder for their campaign. They also discuss the challenges ahead, and how they are planning for 2020. 🗺️

Rahul Bansal and Joel Abreo of…

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Dan Knauss
Rahul Bansal and Joel Abreo of rtCamp share lessons from their fully-office to fully-remote transition. 👨‍💻 "The bedrock of remote work is mutual trust.... along with async communication." If you are a business owner or agency going through a similar…

Big news! Github has acquired npm,…

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Dan Knauss
Big news! Github has acquired npm, Inc. the company behind the Node package manager registry. 📦 Github claims npm will "always be available and free." They will integrate GitHub and npm to "improve the security of the open-source software supply…

Earlier this week Cory Miller sat…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Earlier this week Cory Miller sat down with Dr. Sherry Walling to discuss her tips and advice for managing fear, anxiety and uncertainty. Some highlights: Get some big deep breaths — Four slow seconds in, four slow seconds out. 😤…

Many companies and individuals — both…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Many companies and individuals — both inside and outside the WordPress space — recently offered reduced or free versions of their products. 🎁 Igor Benić made his WordPress developer course for free using this link for a limited time. The…
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