
Design in (and with) WordPress.


Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Genericons is a 100% GPL icon font by Automattic. It's in use with twenty thirteen, and I'm excited about it. It looks like a great option for most themes that need fairly few, simple icons. I'll be bundling this with…

Sidebar navigation is back

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
As WP Lift proves with this list of themes, sidebar navigation is back. Some of these are beautiful, but it makes me kind of sad to see there are a few leaders taking risks with their themes, but many, many followers.

Redesigning Automattic’s websites

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Brian Krogsgard
Stéphane Thomas has written a post proposing a more unified design aesthetic for various Automattic properties. It's very thorough, including complete home page wireframes with content. Stéphane doesn't work for Automattic, and the post appears to be fairly random, so it…

Are home pages dead?

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Quartz makes the argument that every page is the home page, because more and more sites are accessed first from within. I'm pretty sure I disagree. I get the point that interior pages need to be better focused for users first…

WPLift got a big facelift

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WPLift is a popular blog about WordPress. Oli Dale launched their second design iteration this morning. It's a whole new scheme, and they've included new plugin and theme repositories that will be interesting to see how they're used. It's very…

Avoid the pains of pagination

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
UX Movement explores various painpoints of pagination. A good reminder for those of us creating pagination in WordPress themes and client sites. Are we giving it enough thought?

I thought I knew about responsive design

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
I thought I knew a lot about responsive design, but I learned a ton in this post by Paul Stamatiou. He recently redesigned his blog, and he goes into great length into how he did it, and what he learned.…

It’s the information, stupid

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
That's why people go to websites. My colleague, David Hickox, hits the nail on the head. Sliders are the latest craze, but, "they’re just the latest in a long line of misguided client fixations aimed at producing excitement and engagement…


Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
"Nevermind". A human, friendly example of nice messaging in a web interface. I love stuff like this. Also, I started reading this blog tonight because Tina Roth Eisenberg, the site's owner, did an interview with Jeffrey Zeldman on the Big Web…

Test your kerning skills with the Kern Type game

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
This is just for fun. My coworker introduced it to me yesterday. A great practice for anyone that toys with the frontend, and a good opportunity to showoff for experienced typography nerds. Move the letters left and right to properly…

Underscores meets Sass with sassy_s

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Amy Hendrix has released a nice integration of Sass for the Underscores theme by Automattic. Underscores, or _s, has gotten a lot of traction as an easy to fork base theme, and it's maintained by some truly great theme wranglers…
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