
Development in (and with) WordPress.

Access external WordPress data

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Brian Krogsgard
Zach Schnackel gives an example of an interesting use case for WordPress. He wants access to some WordPress functions, but doesn't really want to use the WordPress theming system or load most of WordPress itself.

Seriously awesome tutorial on Git branching

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Curtis McHale
It's a given that you need to know SVN to work with WordPress, but more and more developers are starting to use Git. If you're just starting out then here is an awesome interactive tutorial on Git branching.

Local development tips for WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard
Jon Brown has a very nice post up on his blog with some tips for better local development with WordPress. There are a lot of ways to go about this, but I like the way Jon organizes things. h/t Ben…

You probably don’t need do_shortcode()

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Brian Krogsgard
Konstantin Kovshenin brought up a good point on his blog, that we should be avoiding do_shortcode() if we can easily use the callback directly. Using the callback function directly prevents WordPress from invoking the shortcode regex that parses shortcode strings.…

Automated WordPress development

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Brian Krogsgard
Want to stop wasting time manually linting, concatenation, and minifying style and script files in your WordPress theme or plugin? Then you should start using Grunt - a cool tool that does it all for you. 10up has even released…

WordPress coding standards: you’ll thank yourself later

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Brian Krogsgard
Tom McFarlin has written another useful post on the wpTuts+ blog. He reminds us to stick to the WordPress coding standards for our naming conventions and function arguments. As you start working with other developers on projects, or see your…

Nonces that are used only once

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Brady Vercher
The word nonce indicates a number used only once, but in WordPress nonces can be used multiple times within 24 hours, although they are unique to the user, action, and ideally an object. Usually, that's all that's necessary, but to…

Case study: Building a WordPress powered web app

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Brian Krogsgard
Josh Kadis has written up a summary of his experience at Quartz (an excellent online business news magazine) using WordPress to build a web app. Their considerations for choosing to build their own  API versus use Jetpack's, using the settings…

Without a plugin? The functions.php myth.

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Brian Krogsgard
There's a wide spread digital myth in the WordPress microverse about the functions.php file and that it's a code snippet container. This post tries to explain why people are misusing this file, shows alternatives and explains step by step how…
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