
Development in (and with) WordPress.

How WordPress evolves without breaking everything

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Brian Krogsgard
This is a great flash talk by Andrew Nacin, where he discusses the decision making process for evolving WordPress while maintaining backward compatibility. Included are some explanations of the struggles with terms, term meta, and more. This was part of…

Sustainable value in WordPress products

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Brian Krogsgard
Matty Cohen has written a very nice post in Torque Mag about sustaining value in WordPress products. I especially like what he notes on debunking the myth that features are equivalent to value. And as he notes, harmony between two…

WordPress responsive navigation options

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Brian Krogsgard
Navigation is one of the most challenging battles for doing responsive design well. To preface this article, I highly recommend you study Brad Frost's collections of responsive navigation patterns and complex responsive navigation patterns. In this post, I'll cover two…

WordPress and JavaScript with Backbone

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Brian Krogsgard
I recently ran across this excellent slide deck from K. Adam White on evolving your JavaScript with BackBone.js. It's a really great deck that I highly recommend you fully digest. It's simple enough for people not yet well versed in…

Get started with the Heartbeat API

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 3.6 introduced the Heartbeat API. It's an exciting API that opens up a whole bunch of possibilities for various core features or plugins, or even themes, to utilize. Pippin Williamson gives a nice introduction and example use case for…

A guide to pluggable functions

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Brian Krogsgard
Curtis McHale has written a nice three part series on WP Lift offering a guide to pluggable functions in WordPress. For those unaware, pluggable functions make it easy for other developers to override your functions in their own plugins and…

PHP globals and classes for new programmers

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Brian Krogsgard
Justin Sternberg has written a nice and thorough post geared toward beginning programmers to cover common PHP methodologies. I definitely recommend reading this for those that may recognize certain techniques, but don't really fully understand them. I love beginner tutorials…

On being a developer friendly developer

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Brian Krogsgard
Here are a few things I think about when I work on WordPress themes that other developers may encounter down the road. It's good to work in a way that helps those who come after you know what you've done,…

7 reasons WordPress made PHP popular

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Brian Krogsgard
This site isn't very easy on the eyes, but I think that point 7 is a a valuable lesson, "Pragmatism is better than purism." I don't agree with the entire article, but I really like that one statement.

Modular WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard
Matt's vision of future WordPress development (from the SotW) is encapsulated in plugin development. What does that mean for future dev on core APIs? I have one idea on a way that plugin-like functionality could work hand-in-hand with core API…

Potential roadmap for taxonomy meta and post relationships

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Brian Krogsgard
Andrew Nacin has written a thorough post discussing many of the challenges for implementing taxonomy metadata in WordPress core and a potential roadmap for doing so. He also highlights how we may be able to achieve post to post relationships…

WordPress, forking, and the road to 4.0

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
At WordCamp San Francisco, Matt Mullenweg presented the future of WordPress versions 3.7 and 3.8. I have a specific vision for 3.9 and 4.0 - one that will keep both end users and developers happy. Can we make it happen?
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