
Cool tools and tech talk for designers, developers, and engineers working with WordPress.

The Future of GiveWP and the Block Editor

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Dan Knauss
The journey to GiveWP 3.0 is well underway — an open, iterative development process that fully embraces WordPress's Gutenberg block editor. Give cofounder Matt Cromwell and development director Jason Adams share what they've learned so far.

Design and Development News for the Week of November 7

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Jonathan Bossenger
A new way to keep up with that fast-moving project we all rely on, PHP. • Making wordpress/wordpress-develop usable in GitHub Codespaces. • Help count WordPress contributors and sponsors • Directory Serve is our cool tool of the week — a way to serve files to and from your phone.

Design and Development News for the Week of October 31

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Daniel Schutzsmith
Missing Menu Items • Farewell PHP 7.4 • I Didn’t Know You Could Do That in the Block Editor • Why is Your Computer Cosplaying as a PDP-11? • Effective Writing for Devs • The State of CSS • The Swiss Army Knife of Website Tools: Website Toolkit

Post Status Excerpt (No. 71) — Building, Supporting, and Selling a Winning Product — With or Without

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
This week I sat down again with Eric Karkovack to talk about the WordPress stories and topics that are on the top of our minds. Independently, we made nearly the same selections. There's a single throughline in this episode — what works, what doesn't, and what will take WordPress businesses forward in the product, agency, and hosting spaces.

Over, Under, Around, and Through

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
This week Alex Denning (Ellipsis) draws on Iain Poulson's historical, high-level plugin data at WP Trends to offer some thoughtful, somewhat contrary, but practical and grounded perspectives on the value of Active Install Data. At the WP Watercooler and elsewhere, a realization seems to be setting in that the data is not open source and not the property of the WordPress community. Like last week's episode of Post Status Draft with Katie Keith of Barn2 Plugins, Till Krüss (Object Cache Pro, Relay) offers a lot of lessons this week about less travelled paths to success in the plugin business even as a very small company or company of one. Performance, testing, and support are key, interrelated parts of Till's success and probably the most important ones to borrow in your own life and work if they resonate.

A Definitive Guide to WP-Config, the WordPress 6.1 Field Guide, and Twenty Twenty-Three

Photo of author
Daniel Schutzsmith
Here’s a glimpse of what’s going on in the world of design and development in the WordPress space this past week: A delicious developer's advanced guide to WP-Config, the WordPress 6.1 Field Guide, and Twenty Twenty-Three looks amazing! Brian Gardner released a new FSE theme, Powder. Cool Tool of the Week: Lorem Picsum by David Marby and Nijiko Yonskai.
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