Interview the interviewer: Matt Medeiros of Matt Report

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Written By Brian Krogsgard

5 thoughts on “Interview the interviewer: Matt Medeiros of Matt Report”

  1. Had a great time with this Brian — looking forward to hearing more of your new series and what’s to come in the future.

    Thanks for having me!

  2. Hate to be that guy, Brian, but I am that guy. Since it’s not a podcast, could you include a download link for the MP3? I managed to dig into the source and find it, but I’d have saved myself three minutes if it had been right there.

    I would totally subscribe to this as a podcast if you put it out there, but I definitely understand not wanting to commit to one. Great interview. Cheers!

  3. Want my input? Here’s my input ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve never listened to a podcast and probably won’t ever, because reading is about 20 times faster than listening ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Yeah, podcasts definitely aren’t for everybody. That’s why I’m trying this format. The post still grabs highlights, and the podcast is more the “raw feed” of how I got to the post. Thanks for your input!

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