Interview with Matt Mullenweg on the WordPress ecosystem — Draft Podcast

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Written By Brian Krogsgard

5 thoughts on “Interview with Matt Mullenweg on the WordPress ecosystem — Draft Podcast”

  1. Fantastic interview Brian. Kudos on *politely* pressing Matt on data sharing, competing directly with web hosts, Gutenberg, and more.

    And respect to Matt for many comments here, especially his acknowledging some of the bitterness that keeps many in the WordPress community from getting more involved at, and his desire for all players to be able to profit from AND contribute to WordPress.

    “Strong opinions loosely held” is a good sentiment indeed.

    P.S. When are “We grew another Drupal” shirts available for sale?…

  2. Excellent interview. Appreciate hearing the perspective from Matt Mullenweg. There’s nothing like going to the source of the information for the right “data.” I also like the forward thinking direction of WordPress and how it is necessary to have an open mind and everyone has a seat at the WordPress table, including the user.

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