Robbie Adair, CEO of OS Training and Media A-Team, specializes in training, web and media applications, and media strategies for her clients. Robbie speaks at many tech conferences around the world about topics such as web development, application development, media content production, and more. She loves seeing that “ah-ha” moment in peoples’ eyes in her sessions and workshops. OS Training has had over 100,000 students take online training courses on web development and has an Explained book series that is used in the classroom by many high schools and universities.
What do you enjoy most about working in WordPress?
The amount of people in the WordPress ecosphere is vast, and everyone that I’ve reached out to have been super supportive.
What do you love most about your Post Status membership?
I love all the connections that I have made through the Post Status community, as well as all the news and knowledge that Post Status gathers and shares with us. I also enjoy the huddles when I can make them; it’s a nice break in the week. And all of the Post Status team are always quick to respond to any questions I’ve had, so that really makes members feel valued.
What business/web/WordPress advice do you have for others in our industry?
Take the time to listen and answer when others reach out to you for help or advice, just as you would want someone to do for you when you need support. We are all continuously learning, even if we’ve been at it for years or are considered experts, because this field changes rapidly. So be kind and patient with one another and help lift each other up. Also, find your tribes — everyone needs them from core to extended tribes both professional and personal. And don’t be afraid to change your mind and go a different direction if it feels like the right thing to do deep in your soul.