Ringing the Bell for Our Own Acquisition

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Written By Joost de Valk

14 thoughts on “Ringing the Bell for Our Own Acquisition”

  1. First of all, this is amazing news for the community. Thank you for doing this.

    Now, this is more something for the foundation, but is it an idea to provide a bridge to a (closed) Discord and/or Matrix to lower the costs? I assume even with the 85% discount the costs for Slack must be quite high.

  2. Great news. Hopefully this is one of the first steps for a new future of WordPress.

    About the planning: If you are thinking about changing the membership plans, please also consider whether you can offer access for universities or public service institutions. These are currently not included in any of the membership plans. But they could provide the community with a lot of experience (esp. in using WordPress in a bigger scale) and with code (specialized plugins and theme), they dont want to publish on wp.org yet.

  3. Congrats for the aquisition. Happy to see that the Post Status community change hands for the better.
    Any hint on the aquisition figures? It will help people evaluate their communities value better.


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