Angela Jin

The WordPress Community Team has new…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
The WordPress Community Team has new handbook pages that give guidance to meetup organizers who want to host in-person meetups in 2021. In the announcement about this update, Angela Jin writes: "As more people get vaccinated and regions are able…

Angela Jin shares a few lessons…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Angela Jin shares a few lessons learned in her ongoing quest to build empathy: "During difficult conversations, especially with people you care about, it may be instinctual to want to make things better." But instead of trying to help, sometimes…

As part of a “month in…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

As part of a "month in WordPress" review, Angela Jin mentioned that the WordPress meetup program crossed the 800-group mark this month! More than 100 countries are represented. 🌏
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