
This week (April 14) there was…

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Dan Knauss

This week (April 14) there was a preannounced meeting with WordPress Project leaders Matt Mullenweg, Matias Ventura, Helen Hou-Sandi, and Josepha Haden Chomphosy. The purpose of the meeting was to host a "go/no go demo" to demonstrate and review the…

Liam Dempsey shares a collection of…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Liam Dempsey shares a collection of blocks that he learned about in a recent Twitter conversation. There might be a useful block in there you haven't seen yet.

10up has released a Convert to…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

10up has released a Convert to Blocks plugin to support "safe migrations" to the block editor.👍 How it works: "The plugin works upon activation, with no configuration needed and does nothing until an editor needs to update or edit an…

Here’s a recent guide to Advanced…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Here's a recent guide to Advanced Custom Field and ACF blocks from Iain Poulson, who says he realized while writing "how vital [ACF] is for WordPress development."

A new version of WooCommerce Blocks…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

A new version of WooCommerce Blocks is out, and as noted in these release notes, this release includes small tweaks and bug fixes worthy of an update. ✨

A new version of the Gutenberg…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

A new version of the Gutenberg plugin (9.6.0 🇨🇱) has been released with a focus on Full Site Editing and global styles. I especially like the new ability to drag blocks from the "inserter" into the block area. If you…

Gutenberg 9.2 has been released. This…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Gutenberg 9.2 has been released. This is the final release to make it into WordPress 5.6 Beta, which also came out this week. ✨ Featured items in the Gutenberg release include: Support for video subtitles. The ability to transform multiple…

DĹŤvy Paukstys’ Redux interface framework recently…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

DĹŤvy Paukstys' Redux interface framework recently surpassed one million active installations. đź‘Ź Redux is one of the first popular Gutenberg-related WordPress plugins that added a library of blocks and block templates to WordPress.

There’s a new version of the…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

There’s a new version of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin available now. Version 3.5.0 is mostly a bug fix release with some enhancements for payment methods. 🛒

StudioPress recently announced it is rebranding…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

StudioPress recently announced it is rebranding the popular Atomic Blocks plugin it acquired from Mike McAlister in 2018 as Genesis Blocks. There is a free version still, and the pro version of Genesis Blocks is available in the Genesis Pro…

SEJ notes that Google Chrome 86…

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Dan Knauss

SEJ notes that Google Chrome 86 will show two warnings to users submitting insecure forms over the HTTPS protocol. ⚠️ Users who ignore an initial warning and then try to submit the form will receive a final warning that blocks…

Ellen Bauer, a front-end developer at…

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Dan Knauss

Ellen Bauer, a front-end developer at Elmastudio, announced the release of Aino Blocks. This plugin brings you a collection of page building blocks for the Gutenberg editor that can optionally work with a free Aino theme. Ellen is looking for…

🤝 Recently Joomla developers from JoomUnited…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

🤝 Recently Joomla developers from JoomUnited handed off the Advanced Gutenberg plugin to Steve Burge and PublishPress. Looking ahead, Steve says: "PublishPress has focused on the admin area of WordPress... With the addition of Advanced Gutenberg, we're also going to…

New in 5.5 WordPress 5.5 Release…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

New in 5.5 WordPress 5.5 Release Candidate 2 landed this week, and the final release date (August 11) is next Tuesday. Here are the latest updates and news about it: There is more support for modernized JavaScript i18n, which Justin…
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