
WordPress 5.8 “Tatum” was released as…

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Dan Knauss

WordPress 5.8 “Tatum” was released as planned this past Tuesday. Matt Mullenweg was the lead on this release. There were 530 volunteers along with 320+ tickets on Trac and over 1,500 pull requests on GitHub. Courtney Robertson has a good…

Matt Chowning opened some issues in…

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Dan Knauss

Matt Chowning opened some issues in the Gutenberg repo to help begin the process of obtaining consent from contributors to relicense their work under the GPLv2 and MPLv2 licenses. Two days later Matt apologized in the wake of contributor reaction…

WP-CLI 2.5 Release Pending

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David Bisset
The long-awaited 2.5.0 release of WP-CLI is happening Wednesday, May 19th, 2021. Several obstacles converged to slow its progress in 2020.

There is a cool new badge…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

There is a cool new badge that GitHub has added to the profiles of open source developers who wrote code used by Ingenuity, the first helicopter to take flight in the Martian atmosphere. 🚁

You might have noticed a recently…

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Dan Knauss

You might have noticed a recently updated feature on the Github homepage: a data-driven globe. 🌐 Tobias Ahlin explains what this new GitHub homepage actually represents and how they built that globe with WebGL. It's a five-part series, but only…

Jonathan Desrosiers also has an update…

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Dan Knauss

Jonathan Desrosiers also has an update on how the WordPress core team is continuing the transition to GitHub Actions for automated testing: "As of today, all repositories have been fully transitioned to GitHub Actions except the WordPress Coding Standards." Jonathan…

Good news: GitHub has reinstated the…

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Dan Knauss

Good news: GitHub has reinstated the YouTube video downloader youtube-dl that the RIAA claimed was a piracy tool. 👏 More importantly, GitHub is formalizing a policy to evaluate complaints and also establishing and donating $1 Million (USD) to an open-source…

Leonardo Losoviz has written a step-by-step…

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Dan Knauss

Leonardo Losoviz has written a step-by-step guide on using Rector and GitHub Actions to downgrade a WordPress plugin by coding it with PHP 7.4 and deploying it to PHP 7.1. 👇

Keanan Koppenhaver shows how GitHub Actions…

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Dan Knauss

Keanan Koppenhaver shows how GitHub Actions can help make "FTP as a deployment mechanism" both an automatic and repeatable process to make deploys go much more smoothly. 🚚

🧪 Helen Hou-Sandi announced that WordPress…

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Dan Knauss

🧪 Helen Hou-Sandi announced that WordPress core is now running automated tests using GitHub Actions as a runner, in addition to the existing Travis CI and Appveyor runs. Helen explains where this testing is headed next and shares how people…

GitHub is changing the default branch…

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Dan Knauss

GitHub is changing the default branch name on all new repositories from master to main. Mike McBride shows how to update some (or all) of your existing repositories to use "main" (or another term of your choice) as well.

Decisions have consequences

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David Bisset
Sarah Gooding has reported at WPTavern that the W3C and the agency it selected to redesign its website, Studio 24, dropped WordPress from consideration in a selection process that has ended with Craft CMS as the winner. First off, kudos…

Github CLI 1.0 is now available.…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Github CLI 1.0 is now available. With it, you can "run your entire GitHub workflow from the terminal, from issues through releases." 🔧

Jonathan Bossenger posted a recent update…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Jonathan Bossenger posted a recent update about the WP Notify project. It looks like things are off to a good start: the GitHub repository has been created. Code and design decisions are being made. 👍

Christina Hasternath has a step-by-step tutorial…

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Brian Krogsgard

Christina Hasternath has a step-by-step tutorial to show you how to create a custom WordPress plugin that lets content editors rebuild a Gatsby app on AWS by manually rerunning GitHub Actions from the WordPress admin dashboard. 🔌
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