Google Fonts

Extendify acquires EditorsKit Another acquisition was…

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Dan Knauss

Extendify acquires EditorsKit Another acquisition was announced this week: Extendify is adopting Jeffrey Carandang‘s EditorsKit plugin. EditorsKit provides a set of advanced typographical tools for the WordPress block editor. 🧰 As a “first step,” Extendify has made the EditorsKit Typography…

Google Fonts now supports open source…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Google Fonts now supports open source icons, starting with the Material Design icon set. 👍 They've "also created an entirely new icon for Google Fonts itself." In my view, this change makes another Google product logo unrecognizable. 🤷‍♂️

Is it better to load your…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Is it better to load your fonts from Google Fonts or a CDN? Find out with Simon Wicki. 💨

Google has recently released an open-source…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Google has recently released an open-source font system called Noto. It covers more than 800 languages and 110,000 characters. It was designed with the intent to get rid of what they call "tofu", or the little squares indicating a character isn't…

The new Google Fonts page is…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

The new Google Fonts page is wonderful. You can decide whether you want the preview to be in paragraph form, display, set custom text and size, and apply it across the grid of fonts you're viewing. It's so, so, so…

Playing with type

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Good typography choices and practices can be elusive to non-designers. But choosing a great typeface is possible, even if you're not an expert. There are many great tools, resources, and tips available to help us make the right decisions.
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