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WordPress Website Cost to Develop

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Brian Krogsgard
Every business needs a website. Not only does it tell your customers what you do, but it gives you credibility. WordPress is the best website option, but what will it set you back? The WordPress website cost to develop question…
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When the Free Rider is Government

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Dan Knauss
Chinmayi Sharma argues our digital infrastructure is built on open source, and it cannot provide adequate security so governments should help out.

Github has published its annual State…

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Dan Knauss

Github has published its annual State of the Octoverse, which looks at its communities and user activity in 2020. Even if you aren't a Github user, it's interesting to see what a vast piece of the developer community is doing…

I recently stumbled on this JavaScript…

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Dan Knauss

I recently stumbled on this JavaScript library called handwritten.js that converts typed text to "realistic handwriting." Then there's this Python script from Tristan Hume that does it with OpenType fonts, nicely explained by Julia Evans. ✍️

Danny van Kooten relates how and…

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Brian Krogsgard

Danny van Kooten relates how and why he rewrote his application for Boxzilla from PHP/Laraval to the Go programming language. He shares some differences and benchmarks, but since Go is a compiled language it's not a straight "apples to apples"…

What is Code?

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Brian Krogsgard
"What is code?" Paul Ford answers the question, with a 38,000 word masterpiece in Bloomberg. This is the first article I'd tell an aspiring programmer to read, and the one that anyone working in technology should have in their permanent collection.
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