
WordPress in Substack’s History

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Dan Knauss
I wish this was a WordPress story. It should've been and could still be — a simple publishing platform built around freemium newsletters — and writers. In a way, it is a WordPress story. Ben Thompson's Stratechery was a Substack…

Congratulations to Memberful on being acquired…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Congratulations to Memberful on being acquired by Patreon — Stratechery has a great interview with CEOs Drew Strojny (Memberful) and Jack Conte (Patreon) that goes in depth into the acquisition and both companies' histories. The whole Memberful team is coming aboard…

Two AMAs to make you smarter

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Brian Krogsgard
Two AMAs happened today with people I respect a lot, in different walks of life. AMA with Pippin Williamson Pippin Williamson, you all know, makes plugins. He did a great AMA on ManageWP. I'm going to steal some nuggets: On…

New journalism

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Bloggers and journalists are experimenting with new models of monetization and independent publishing. One of the pioneers of subscription-based independent blog-based journalism just called it quits, but we should still laud his pioneering effort, not call blogging dead (again).
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