
Post Status Picks for the Week of July 4

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
🎧 Podcasts worth catching: "Tumblr can be a better Twitter than Twitter ever was." • The unfolding recession. • Catch up with GitHub Actions • How to think about accessibility and the things we forget about being inclusive and open.

Post Status Notes #499

Photo of author
David Bisset
Kim Parsell Memorial Scholarship returns to WCUS › Think like a platform again! › Leo Gopal on support for mental health in the community › WP Accessibility Day › Performance Lab 1.1.0 › The WordPress Way › Dropping jQuery for speed › More to WP than Headless and FSE for devs › and more...

This Week at WordPress.org (May 16, 2022)

Photo of author
Courtney Robertson
Each week we are highlighting the news from WordPress.org that you don't want to miss. If you or your company create products or services that use WordPress, we've got the news you need to know. Be sure to share this…

This Week at WordPress.org (May 9, 2022)

Photo of author
Courtney Robertson
Each week we are highlighting the news from WordPress.org that you don't want to miss. If you or your company create products or services that use WordPress, we've got the news you need to know. Be sure to share this…

Post Status Notes #497

Photo of author
David Bisset
WordPress is 19! • WP 6.0 news and Beta 4 release. • JetPack 10.9 • BuddyPress Rewrites 1.1.0 • Simple Local Avatars 2.3.0 • InMotion funds WCUS scholarships • RSS and Blogging FTW • Wishlist Member acquired • New leadership team at Yoast • and the rest of your weekly WP news roundup!

This Week at WordPress.org (April 11, 2022)

Photo of author
Courtney Robertson
Each week we are highlighting the news from WordPress.org that you don't want to miss. If you or your company create products or services that use WordPress, we've got the news you need to know. Be sure to share this…
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