Tips for developers adopting a legacy WordPress site

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Written By Curtis McHale

8 thoughts on “Tips for developers adopting a legacy WordPress site”

  1. Great Article. I love the charging for the review and will implement that. I recently was asked to quote for a WordPress theme amend so I went through the theme code and quoted based on what I found and what needed doing. I didn’t get the gig and wasted my time on a client more interested get the lowest price over quality work 😉

  2. Great run through, a hard lesson that all developers will learn is that quoting for work accordingly is a big thing, never under quote for quality work, get paid for the time that you spend on a project!

  3. Great, practical advice, that discusses real implementation details. We need more articles like this, and a lot less “fluff” articles that so many other bloggers churn out.

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