WCEU 2019 in Review

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Written By David Bisset

2 thoughts on “WCEU 2019 in Review”

  1. Thanks for your summary post!
    I find it interesting that you wrote such a post even if you were not there at the event yourself. Watching livestream is one thing, being there personally is another thing. I can say that, because in 2014 I did also only watch livestream and was not able to really capture the spirit of the event. Still (watching) it was an awesome experience. This year I finally had the chance to be there myself, after WCEU 2013, and what should I say, it was awesome!

    One topic that is missing from your post, is my question after Matt’s “Gutenberg Keynote” about democracy and transparent decision making processes for the WordPress project (wordpress.org). Surprisingly, I got A LOT feedback personally afterwards, and only positive, so people agreed with me on this. And we all agreed, that Matt’s answer was bad, really bad, and not on point.

    Also in all my conversation with other developers, sponsors, etc. I felt a lot of the same, a big frustration about the current decision making processes, involving the whole launch of the Gutenberg project and its merging into Core.

    The elephant is still standing inmidst of the room – and also was in Berlin – but still most people are shying away from speaking about publicly. Which I understand on one hand, but on the other hand I am sad, that only few are willing to discuss these things openly – in public.

    To be honest, I did not expect Matt to answer my question openly – he is known to “transform” any real question into something else, but I still see this whole thing as a big success: the majority of attendees seems to agree on this topic with me and wants a change. And now it is documented publicly, also with Matt’s answer, and anyone can make up his or her own opinion about it.

    • We couldn’t make the Q&A all inclusive. However, if you’re interested, the upcoming Publish stream does have sessions with Rachel Cherry from the WP Governance project, and I talk also to Josepha Haden and Matt a bit about it as well in sessions.

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